* Fly High

626 43 2

Precap: Sreeja is in the airport , while her parents and Venkat's parents have come to send her off. Except Venkat everyone was there. She strangely missed him and wanted to see him before she leaves.  While waiting in the queue to perform her formalities, she looked back once at the visitors area. 

Sreeja moved towards the visitors area quitting her queue with a crying face. Seeing her coming towards them, everyone were astonished as to why she was coming back.

She came hurriedly and stood in front of them, silently staring while her eyes were shedding tears heavily, more than enough amount to create a big fountain. 

"What happened?why did you come back? " asked Subhi.

"We will take care of your mother. Don't cry , you were waiting for this all time and now you are crying, go its getting late" said her father.

Sreeja remained silent still crying with her lips tight. 

"you are such a cry baby" 

Everyone recognized it is Venkat's voice and turned to see him standing at the last behind Subhi giving a smiling look at Sreeja.

This is the first time Sreeja is seeing Venkat after their marriage. It's been around 5 months since they met. She has seen him in normal Jeans and shirt when he came to her house, Coat suit attire during their engagement. But this is the first time she is seeing him in office wear.

He looked smart in the current attire with his hands dipped inside his pocket, standing tall and giving her a teasing look. She could see the sweat on his face indicating he rushed to the airport to catch her before she leaves. 

He seemed to have gained weight or could say built his muscles, which made him look not very lean or too fit, but somewhere in the middle. May be he has started going to Gym she thought to herself. 

To him Sreeja looked different today as he was seeing her in person with  modern dress , even though he has seen her picture once.

She was dressed in dark blue jegging with white sleeveless tank top covered by a checkered white & black shirt as overcoat.

With white sneakers, free hair and a watch in her left hand ,a band as bracelet in the right wrist, her both hands were busy holding the luggage in one hand and passport on the other. She had the most smart casual airport look today.

While every one was looking at him, Sreeja mouthed "Hate you" at him to which Venkat again smiled.

"Hey when did you come?" asked Vasu and Latha

"Just now" he said and moved towards Sreeja. There was a barrier between her and the visitors area.

He came and gave her a small key chain which had a baby pink colored teddy bear in it which read "I Love you".

He was skeptical and the same time shy to give this to her in front of everyone. Especially Subhi who would tease him hell a lot if she comes to know the words written in that.

'Come what may' thought Venkat and gave her the key chain saying "Don't cry, wish you safe journey"

"I am not crying" she said releasing her hand from the luggage that she was holding and wiped her tears and  got the keychain from him.

"Thanks" she uttered.

"Sreeja its getting late, you better go proceed with the boarding procedures, inform us once you reach" said her father in law.

After bidding a quick farewell to everyone she stood in her queue again. Everyone waved bye to her and left.

Standing in the queue , in opposite direction,she was looking at them, till they all were out of sight, thinking  Venkat might come back again and wave her hands but he left.

After completing all her security checks and immigrations she was waiting in the lounge to board the flight. With half an hour left for boarding,she decided to call  Venkat from the phone booth present there. 

He picked up the call ,but there were lot of disturbance from both their side and they were not able to hear anything. He managed to say that he will do a voice call in whats app.

But Sreeja did not have 4g sim installed in her android mobile as she was mostly using wifi at home or office to use whatsapp or surf internet. First time ever, Sreeja felt irritated of herself for not installing the SIM card. 

She then logged in using airport wifi and made a call to him. Since Venkat was also trying at the same time, the call was engaged. Both of them thought at the same time that the other might be trying to call and refrained from calling again. 

10 minutes passed with both of them anticipating other would call. She then heard the call to board the flight, and stood up with her hand luggage. Just then her mobile too rang. She saw it was Venkat and immediately picked it up.


"looks like you were waiting for my call, you picked up so soon" teased Venkat

"Nothing as such. Now I need to board the flight will talk after I reach. Hate you." 

"hmm ... bye, hate you too" he said and cut the call smiling.

Mr  and Mrs UnromanticNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ