are you in love - In English

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Sreeja POV:

I somehow managed to convince my mom after the yesterday's Hungama. I was still afraid, how her reaction would be after returning from engagement. 

In the name of relatives who say they only think and talk good things for us, they would manipulate and say some or other things to my mother who would start with seeking alliance again. But whatever I feared the same happened.

Once she returned from home, She was in angry mode. She was even throwing a suspicious look towards me which was new. Later on my cousin who was 12 years elder to me called my mom. In few minutes, she gave me the phone and went.

After usual greetings about him and his wife, we were talking in General about careers. Then came the topic. First I felt he called to talk casually, but later came to know it was all my mother's doing.

Cousin: So, when are you planning to get married? You are now settled in life with masters degree, good job , next marriage only. Your parents are old and how long are you planning to have them wait for your marriage?

My mind voice: He is talking as if I am the one who is rejecting the proposals stating not interested in marriage. Who knows my problems.

Cousin: Are you there?

Me: Yes yes tell me

Cousin: Are you in love with anyone? If yes tell us in before hand.

Hearing this I got angry.

Me: why no one is able to understand me? If a girl did not get married so soon, it does not mean the problem is with her alone. It does not mean she is in love with someone. Can't believe that just because my mom said this to you , you are asking me this question without any belief in me. I just hate this marriage and other things.

When I am not in love, you people ask these questions to me and don't have faith in me. If I had been in love, that's it . Everyone would talk as you wish about me with loads of advice. You all finally wanted me to get married and go early so that you all can be free of your duties. You won't care of what happens to me after marriage.

Its ok leave it , there is no use of telling all this to you.

Having said this I have cut the call.

Then I went to my mom and asked her what happened and why she made my cousin talk. I got to know that , my well wishing relatives told that I might be in love with someone else and that is why I keep rejecting the proposals.

For the past one year, every month my mom would go with dozens of horoscope to the astrologer to check matching. Today she again met the astrologer and he told that "All the horoscopes are matching with her profile, still nothing works out. Might be your daughter is in love with someone. Check with her"

I felt really insulted when my parents did not believe me. They knew what happened with all the proposals still they think that I was the reason for rejection. I felt my future life would be a big question mark with all this pressure. At one point of time , I just lost interest in everything. Just to escape from this pressure I felt like I need to get married soon.


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