New House

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As Sreeja's things were getting loaded to the van ready to go to Venkat's house, Sreeja kept herself busy purposefully from morning without getting caught by her cousin.

But that prevailed only for a short time as her cousin dragged her to the room, shutting the door.

"Hey Sreeja, what happened yesterday? Did he 'do' anything?" asked one of her elder cousin with eagerness.

"Whatever happened on your first night same thing happened " Sreeja retorted.

"ey, don't act smart , is everything okay yesterday?" inquired her cousin.Throwing a stern glare at her Sreeja left her unanswered.

She came out to the hall to be surrounded by her departing relatives loading her with advices do's and don'ts.

Finally her parents too advised her. She felt a pang in her heart thinking about leaving the family. Tears started to dwell in her eyes automatically.

Venkat's grandmother came and informed sreeja not to cry, as they don't want their daughter in law to come crying to the house for the first time.

Hearing it Sreeja felt difficult to withhold her tears. She felt irritated with them. Can't a girl not even feel sad or cry when she is leaving her family??

Controlling herself she bid farewell to everyone and boarded the van. She sat near the window seat beside Venkat.

Her parents were too busy to vacate the hall and pack things. May be they are trying to divert themselves from getting into vulnerable state of seeing their daughter leave.

Controlling her thudding heart and swallowing her tears was the most difficult thing she experienced present moment.

While she was sitting, she heard some of Venkat's relative accusing Sreeja. They called her more stubborn who does not even shed tears for leaving her family.

"If she is not too attached with her family, how will she be with us? I don't think she would adjust with our family" came a voice from her behind.

She saw venkat out of helplessness. But Venkat was busy chatting with his sisters.

Finally the van was about to leave and that is when her brother came near her to the window bidding farewell. He wiped his tears swiftly.

But sreeja noticed it and she too shed some tears not caring about what others say. More than that she did not have Venkat to console her, even though he was seated beside her.

With a heavy heart,she left the marriage hall along with Venkat and his relatives to the new house where her remaining life would be spent.

Venkat who already had a short nap wasnow little fresh. He was happy occupying himself with his cousins who were having a gala time.

"So this how my marriage life gonna be? I should adjust to each and everyone and sacrifice even the smallest of expectations.Right, how can I expect him to be concerned about me all of a sudden.

All the sweet nothings, love, care everything would be just for another max of 3 months till his needs would be satisfied. Typical men mentality " she consoled herself.

She did not bother to indulge in to the fun which was happening with youngsters around and averted her gaze outside through the window. After few minutes, Sreeja composed herself and accepted the reality.

Venkat gently patted her hand, and entwined his fingers with hers. Even though it was a very late reaction from him, she did not protest nor accept to hold his fingers and fixed her gaze outside.

Sensing that she is still worrying about her parents, Venkat thought not to disturb her and removed his hands from her.

The van reached after an hour travel from the Marriage hall. Venkat and Sreeja were welcomed to the house after taking Aarthi, who then stepped inside together with their right leg.

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