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⚫↗ ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯ ˚ · .⚫

⍣ ೋ☆★☆★→ ←☆★☆★ ⍣ ೋ

"But I guess this really is the end," I acknowledged, looking at Missy, who was winking at me. "But I'm not ready for the end," noodles said. Rewind wept, looking at his sister, "I was just starting to think...maybe my sister didn't hate me."

"I don't hate you" FastForward turns to face him and says, "I love you," which they both utter simultaneously. "That lovely feel," Missy wipes a little tear from her cheek, adding, "is real," with a grin.

Missy wipes away another tear, saying, "And that love is getting us out of here.

Guppy was eagerly experimenting with the water to see what she could create. Missy, another Capella, noticed what Guppy was up to and walked over to her. 'What are you making?' She asked curiously. 

Guppy smiled widely and held up her creation in her hand, revealing a small key. Missy couldn't believe her eyes. 'Well, Miss Guppy I think you have saved us!' She exclaimed gratefully. Guppy returned her smile and handed the key to Missy. 

They both knew that this key could unlock the door that would otherwise remain shut forever. Missy marveled at Guppy's incredible accomplishment.

 She could not believe that she had created something of such magnitude with just a little bit of water. Guppy had used her powers wisely and had proven that anything is possible with the right attitude and a little bit of creativity.

I didn't think the key would even work not even until missy unlocks the door " come on lets go!" missy yelled as we ran out the door.


Miracle guy thumps his head against the wall out of boredom before Anita was also caught in with us "how long has this been so bad?" As Marcus stared at Anita, she questioned.

"You should have come to me," Anita advised. "hmm," Marcs moaned, "do you remember how our generation felt when we took over?" Marcus said to Anita, "Good point, I guess it's up to the kids."

"The generation has increased. She makes a circle-shaped motion with her hand and says, "Powerful...more" Marcus remarked, "Evolved?" as Anita looked at him. "I've got it!" holding two wires, tec no yells "what? found out how to leave this place?" Miracle man enquired while carefully approaching to tec no.

Oh... no, I just learned how to switch the security monitors, the tecno said as he connected the connections and turned on the television from behind him. As we all settle down and watch our kids leave a room, he remarks, "Secretly intuitive," "What at least we can sit around and watch something without everyone yelling at each other," and then he turns to face the TV.

We all sat and stared till we suddenly noticed something: "a Capella" "rewind?" "fast forward" "Are those our children?" Lava Girl said bewilderedly.


" Wheels how much time do we have?" missy asked as I cross my arms " eighteen minutes" wheels replied as missy glared at him "then we need to hurry and stop the takeover" missy starts speed walking.

"Us? "Are you insane?" I yell, "We need to find Violet and- " I'm cut off, " Violet?" Miss Granada assured us that she is OK! "We don't have time, why do you care so much about her?" Missy shouted at me.

"Because she's my best friend!" "What if they murder her?" missy glared at me "No seriously, why do you like her?" . Missy shouted, "because I love her!" as the room became silent. Shit .

" Meanwhile me and a Capella are going to go find her " i spoke as missy looks down and me and a Capella start walking away " that went deep ..." wheels spoke as missy glared at him.

"This is good," I thought as I strolled with a Capella. "How will we find her?" a capella wondered. "I'm not sure, but I know we will" I turn left.

"Is it true that you love her?" As I gaze at her, a Capella asks, "Yeah, it's true" I fumble with my jewelry. Something caught my attention as we continued walking. I see violet, yet her eyes are crimson...

she walks closer and her eyes looks steaming hot red a " violet?" I worry.

She tilts her head and I look at her hand and see a fire ball form in her hand " violet..." a Capella comes aside me. Shoots it in a capellas heart causing her to fall holding her chest in pain. i grab a Capella and we run away from her.

Red fireballs started shooting from behind us as we raced, and then Violet teleported in front of us as we screamed. Violet then threw a capella against the wall, and I tried to shove her into it while holding her down. "STOP!" I shouted.

She uses her powers to set my arm on fire. I turn away as she wraps her fingers around my neck and applies pressure.

I was punched by her, and as I passed out, everything went black and I felt like I couldn't breathe.


I turned back after grinning as I watched Wild Card fall to the ground and see Capella rising up. She makes me soar with her voice.

"I'm not going against you Violet, this isn't you," she said as her eyes sparkled. I then shot another fireball at her heart and used telekinesis to pick her up and throw her to the ground, knocking her unconscious in the process.

I left them there and began walking over to the pyramid, where everyone was going.


"That's it right there," wheels says as we watch forces surround us. "Uh, Missy, why are you so calm?" rewind said. "Because you all have a weapon," I replied.

Rewind grinned until Ojo drew me away and showed me her iPad, which showed Violet battling against us. oh no...



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