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Aashiq's pov...............

Today we are having a very important meeting with the sultan of saudi arabia but its not important for me ,it wont profit me that much rather the sultan of saudi will get profited more by signing a deal with me . the meeting is going to held at gurgaon , it will take me atleast 2 hours to get back at my mansion , now my heart cant spend even a minute away from naira . Her one smile can make my whole day happy . Our marriage was a forced one but i will keep on trying not to let naira feel that our marriage was a forced one i will prove it as a lie with my deep love for her . when she assured me what i want to listen from her always it gave me peace and solace that finally we can live like a normal married couple whose relationship is full of love .

I am sitting infront of saudi sultan and his lawyers , it been 3 hours since the meeting started but they are taking so long to read and understand the contract . if they dont sign this deal then they are going to face a big lose in the market and if they are then i am going to takeover their company   so in both situations its a win win situation for me .

My patience is running now , naira wont eat without me ,its not good for her to be hungry for a long time . i glanced at saudi sultan who gave me a assuring smile that just few minutes more . the meeting room is completely silent the only sound which is there is continuous tapping of my shoe cause i too know that my volcano can burst at any time .
'' that's enough '' i bursted out suddenly making the lawyers flinch due to my loud voice
'' we can cancel the deal if you are going to take more time '' i said it with my clenched jaws , fear and sweat beads can be seen on the faces of saudi sultan and his lawyers. I stood from the sofa and was going to turn .

'' sultan '' but i showed my palm to him cause its what not i want to listen , i want to go home soon to capture my life in my arms tightly .

'' its enough i cant let my wife wait for me at dining table ''my voice held a mixture of anger and irritation .
'' sultan lets sign the deal '' i smirked at his confession thats what i wanted to listen ,to make them agree these contract papers are not enough , my threatening is what enough for them . the saudi sultan gestured the lawyer to handover the signing contract to him .

Finally with a handshake we concluded our meeting .

'' sultan your wife must be very lucky to have you in her life '' the saudi sultan said with a smile. . Listening him a smile made its way on my face , i glanced towards the people who are looking at me with shocking expression maybe cause i dont smile at anyone until she entered my life ,her name is even enough to make me cheerful and happy .

''I am lucky to have her in my life '' with this i took my phone from the table and moved inside the car . suddenly the name of my heart flashed on my screen , i am smilling like a fool right now .i picked it up immediately but before i can say something i heard her painful voice with pierced my heart.

'' aashiq save me ,save me plz '' a fear started to capture my heart , she was coughing and crying badly i can hear it .

'' naira naira what happen '' i asked her but can only hear her pleas of saving her.

''. Immam track her location until i am talking with her '' he soon took of his work .

'' aashiq save me , i love you '' i called her many times after that but got no response ,soon her phone went off too, all i could do was screaming her name like a crazy on the phone in hope that she will response . tears are to stream down from eyes .

'' Sultan we found her location '' without wasting a second i drived of the location with immam but when we reached there we saw a huge crowd , police is also there and some firemen . i moved me gaze all around to find naira but cant .

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