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Sarah POV;
                      As we enjoyed our romantic evening together, jack  excused himself to go to the washroom. His phone start ringing. I ignored the call two time but the phone kept ringing... So, I got curious and picked up his phone when it rang again. A sense of dread washed over me  as I  heard the voice of a frantic caller on the other end. "Sir, that psycho wants some money in prison," the voice said.

                       My mind raced as I tried to process the news. I  had always known that jack had a troubled past, but I had never imagined that it would be this bad. My heart sank as I  realized that jack was involved with the very person who had hurt me most. I looked at jack with anger and disgust, knowing that he had betrayed my trust. Jack returned from the washroom and saw the look of hatred on my  face. He knew that his secret was out. He took my hand and looked into my eyes, searching for answers.

                    But all he saw was pain. He knew that he had hurt mr deeply, and he didn't know how to make it right. He apologized for his past mistakes and promised to do everything in his power to protect me from harm. Buti wasn't sure if I  could ever forgive him. I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself down. I knew that I had to be strong for myself, even if jack  couldn't be strong for me. We both knew that our relationship would never be the same again.

                       I decided to take some time to think about what I wanted to do. I  left the Jack's apartment and went home. I couldn't sleep that night. I  kept thinking about Jack's past and how it had affected my life. I  knew that I  loved him, but I wasn't sure if I  could trust him anymore.

               The next day, Jack came to my house. He brought me flowers and a heartfelt apology. He told me that he was sorry for keeping his past a secret from me. He promised that he would never lie to me again. I  listened to him, but I  didn't know if I  could believe him.

Jack POV;
                  When I came out of the restroom I saw Sarah holding my phone and staring at me..... I don't know what she's thinking but when I saw the phone call I was shocked... Now I understand that she knew everything.... I tried to calm her but, she didn't listen me and left the house.......

              I didn't mean to harm her... That physco warn me that if I didn't help he would hurt Sarah And I can't see Sarah in pain So, I decided to help him without telling Sarah......

        I know it's hard for her to forgive me and believe me but I'll try my best to tell her everything So, I went to her house..........

Sarah POV;
                    We talked for hours, going over every detail of Jack. I  asked questions, and Jack answered honestly. He told me about the mistakes he had made and how he had learned from them. He told me that he loved me and that he would do anything to make things right.

              But I  didn't trust him and said "I don't Want to be with you" . I knew that I can't live without him but, I  just made my mind.......

         Jack  had made a mistake, and I  was hurt. I  was angry and didn't want to see him again. He tried to apologize and make things right, but I  was firm in my decision. I  told him that I appreciated his honesty, but I  couldn't continue our relationship....

                Jack was heartbroken. He had thought that we had something special, but now it seemed like it was all falling apart. He tried to persuade me to give him another chance, but I  was firm in her decision. We said their goodbyes, and jack left, feeling lost and alone....

Jack POV;
                   I was so ashamed that I did such a thing.... Sarah didn't forgive me and said to end our relationship... I can't do anything because I made mistake I admit..... I left her house....As time passed, I began to realize that Sarah had been right. I had made a big mistake, and I  needed to learn from it. I  focused on improving myself and becoming a better person. And even though I couldn't be with her  , I knew that I would always be grateful for the lessons she had taught me............

              ......After a Month......

Sarah POV;
                      After that incident I was so hurt I wanted to express my feelings So, I decided to write a book....... Today I am going to write it's 10th Chapter ....... Mom call me and said "Sarah here's a mail for you".. I was curious that who send me mail in this era... I mean we all have mobile phone.... So, I walked out of my room and took mail from mother and again went to my room to read it......

                     It was from an anonymous sender, and it contained a single line of text: "I'm sorry for what happened to you."

                I  was confused by the letter. I  didn't know who had sent it or what they wanted from me. I tried to forget about it and go on with my life, but I couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong......

                 A few weeks later, I received another letter. This one was longer and more detailed. It contained information about the kidnapper and his friends, information that only someone who was close to them would know.

                      I was terrified. I didn't know who was sending me these letters or what they wanted from me. I couldn't go to the police, because she I  have any  solid evidence. I was alone and scared, with no one to turn to.

             I knew that I  had to be careful. I  had to watch my  back and make sure that I'll be  always safe. I couldn't let my guard down, not even for a moment. I knew that someone was out there, and they were watching my every move...............

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Sorry for a long gape... Actually my Wattpad stopped working So, I couldn't wirte story but I am back ☺️✨

          .............BOOK 1............

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