Day out

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Sarah POV;
                      It's hard to believe that it's already been a week since my surgery. Time really flies! But I'm feeling better now, and I am going on a date with Jack today. "I'm so excited for my date with Jack tonight! We're planning on trying out a new restaurant in town. I can't wait to see what it's like and to spend some quality time with him.

We always have so much to talk about, and I'm looking forward to catching up on everything that's happened since we last saw each other. I spent most of the day getting ready, picking out the perfect outfit and doing my hair and makeup. I'm feeling confident and ready to have a great time!"

When I was completely ready I called Jack to pick me up. He came in no time. After I sat in the car than Jack said that;

"Lets wander where the WiFi is weak and the connection is strong."

My heart just melted and jack and we both  went to the restaurant. We had an amazing time at the restaurant. The food was s absolutely delicious, and the atmosphere was so cozy and romantic. We sat at a small table in the corner, surrounded by flickering candles and soft music. The waitstaff were all so friendly and attentive, making sure that we had everything we needed and the meal was perfect.

We talked about everything from our favorite movies to our hopes and dreams for the future. It was s so nice to be able to spend some quality time together and to just enjoy each other's company. I felt like I could be myself around Jack, and he seemed to feel the same way. We laughed and joked and talked for hours, losing track of time as we got lost in the moment.

After dinner, we decided to take a walk in the park. The night air was cool and refreshing, and the stars are shining brightly overhead. We strolled along the winding paths, holding hands and talking some more. Jack was so easy to talk to, and I felt like I could tell him anything. We talked about our families, our childhoods, and our hopes and dreams for the future. It was like we'd known each other for years!

As the night wore on, I realized that I didn't want the evening to end. I feel so comfortable and happy around Jack, and I didn't want to say goodbye. But eventually, it is time to go. Jack walked me to the car and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I feel my heart skip a beat and a warm feeling spreading through my body. I couldn't stop smiling all the way home, and I know that I just had an amazing night with an amazing person.

I'm so grateful to have Jack in my life, and I can't wait to see where things go from here. He's kind, smart, and funny, and I feel like we have a real connection. I'm excited to see what the future holds for us, and I'm looking forward to spending more time with him soon."

When I got home after spending the day with Jack, I felt a mix of emotions. On one hand, I was so happy and grateful for the amazing time we had together. On the other hand, I felt a little bit sad and anxious about what would happen next.

As I sat down on my couch and turned on the TV, I couldn't help but think about Jack and how much I enjoyed being around him. I wondered if he felt the same way, or if I was just imagining things. Kevin came and I told him a little bit. He just smiled and blinked at me. I was so confusing. I started to overthink everything we had talked about and every little gesture he had made, trying to read into every possible sign.

But then I realized that I was being silly. I was letting my own insecurities and fears get in the way of what could be a really great thing. I decided to just let things be and see where they went. I didn't want to put any pressure on Jack or on myself, and I didn't want to ruin something good by overthinking it.

So I texted Jack to thank him for the amazing day and to let him know that I had a great time. He replied right away, saying that he had a great time too and that he couldn't wait to see me again. I felt a wave of relief and happiness wash over me, knowing that he felt the same way I did.

From that moment on, things just seemed to fall into place. Jack and I started texting and calling each other every day, getting to know each other better and better.

Eventually, Jack asked me to be his girlfriend, and I said yes without hesitation. I knew that he was the one I had been waiting for, and I was so grateful to have him in my life. I was looking back on that day when we first met, I knew that it was the start of something truly special.

Meanwhile Jack POV;
                                         As I walked home after spending the day with Sarah, I felt a sense of happiness and contentment that I hadn't felt in a long time. I had such an amazing time with her, and I couldn't believe how much we had in common. I was also impressed by her intelligence, creativity, and sense of humor.

As I walked, I thought about all the things we had talked about and all the things we had done together. I remembered how we had laughed together, shared our hopes and dreams, and bonded over our shared interests. I knew that I had found someone special, someone who I could see myself spending the rest of my life with.

When I got home, I couldn't wait to tell my friends and family about her. I knew that they would be just as impressed by her as I was, and I wanted everyone to know how lucky I was to have met her.

I couldn't stop thinking about her. I found myself constantly checking my phone, hoping to see a message or a call from her. I wondered if she felt the same way I did, or if I was just imagining things.

Bu then she texted me to thank me for the amazing day, and I felt a wave of relief and happiness wash over me. I knew that she felt the same way I did, and I couldn't wait to see her again.

From that moment on, we started texting and calling each other every day, getting to know each other better and better. I felt like I had finally found the missing piece of my life, and I knew that I would do anything to keep her by my side. Then I called her and we start taking about how we felt today......

Sarah POV;
                    From that moment on, we started texting and calling each other every day, getting to know each other better and better.We continued to date and grow closer over the years, building a life together filled with love, laughter, and adventure......

So, Here Starts Love Story of Sarah and Jack🤭🙃

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                 .........BOOK 1..........

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