New beginning

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Image: the buqe jack gave.........

Sarah POV;
When we entered in hospital I went to my doctor's office she smiled and said "You are more brave than I thought". I gave her a warm smile. "So, Are you ready?" She Asked.

I just node my head. Then she called her co_nurse. I change my dress and wear hospital gown. Then I sat on a wheel chair. A nurse took me near to operation theater. Before going in I hug my mom, Kevin and Jason.......

If you don't know let me tell you that I am getting this surgery So, I couldn't see visions more but this is temporary. When I was kidnapped that physco did some experiment with my brain not with just my brain but also with brains of those children's whom he kidnapped. He gave us some kind of medicine which effect our brain. This surgery possibally help to remove bacteria of those medicine.

So, As the nurse opened the door of operation theater. I heard that someone was shouting. "Please just for one minute I want to meet Sarah" I was Shocked when I saw that Jack was saying this.

Then he ran towards me. "Sarah you're the strongest person I know! Be patient we are all waiting for you outside" he said. "Thank you" I said with a smile. "Hey! do you want to go out with me after your recovery?" He Asked. I was shocked I can't imagine that he said that. He gave a buqe of flowers.... They were so beautiful and fresh....

I couldn't control my self and start crying. He hold my hand and give me a warm smile. He wiped my tears.

Over time, I realized that my feelings for Jack had grown beyond friendship. I found myself thinking about him all the time, and I couldn't imagine my life without him. I decided to take a chance and tell him how I felt.

To my surprise, Jack felt the same way. He had been in love with me for years, but he didn't want to risk ruining their friendship. I was very happy when he said me to go out with him....

I control my emotions and said "Yeah I will" Everyone even the hospital staff start clapping I smiled. Jack hugged me and I hugged him back tightly.

"Please Allow me! It's time for surgery" Doctor said. "Ok" I Answered and went in.

Jason POV;
I sat in the hospital's waiting room with my mom,Kevin and jack. Our hearts pounding in our chests. Sarah had been taken into the operating theater hours ago, and we were all still waiting for news. The room was filled with the anxious whispers of worried family members, all of us united in our concern for the girl we loved.

My mom was pacing back and forth, her face drawn and tense. She kept checking her phone, as if hoping for some kind of update. Jack sat hunched over, his hands clasped together tightly. He kept muttering to himself, as if trying to reassure himself that everything would be okay.

I tried to keep myself occupied with a book, but my mind kept drifting back to Sarah. Would she be okay? Would she wake up? I didn't know, and the uncertainty was eating away at me.

Kevin just stand near the wall he keep asking to doctors that when will the surgery ends......

The clock on the wall ticked away the seconds, each one feeling like an eternity. I looked around the room, trying to distract myself, but nothing seemed to help. My mom, jack and Kevin were so worried, and it was hard to see them like that.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the door to the operating theater swung open. My heart leapt into my throat as the surgeon emerged, her mask and gloves still on.

"Is she okay?" my mom asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

The surgeon hesitated for a moment, and my heart sank. But then she smiled, a small, tired smile that seemed to carry the weight of the world.

"She's going to be okay," the surgeon said. "The operation was a success."

My family let out a collective sigh of relief, our faces breaking into smiles and tears of joy. We hugged each other, grateful to be alive and together. The waiting was over, and we could finally go home. But for now, we were just happy to have each other, and to know that my sister was going to be okay.My whole body relaxed. "She's going to be fine," she said. "The operation was a success."

Relief flooded through me, and I felt tears prick at the corners of my eyes. My mom let out a sob of joy, and jack let out a whoop of relief. Kevin just close his eyes tightly and smiled. We all hugged each other, tears streaming down our faces.

I couldn't wait to see my sister.After sometime doctor said that we can meet Sarah now. She was siffted to another room. We all went in her room to see her. When she saw us she smiled.

Sarah POV;
When I opened my eyes after the surgery the first person I saw was Jason. He was standing next to me and then I saw my mom,Kevin and jack. They all were standing at the other side of my bed.....

I didn't speak much but I just gave them a smile So, they can be satisfied. After an hour doctors allow me to go home. I was very happy that now I can start a new life.....

We reached home and I sat on the sofa. Mom went to kitchen to made soup for me. Jason went to medical store to buy my medicines while, Kevin and jack sat with me.

"Oo sorry if I am distrubing you love birds" Kevin teased us. I punch him at the back. He ran towards kitchen and said "Mom let me help you! They didn't want me to sit with them" then he blink at jack.

"So.... How are you feeling?" Jack Asked.. "Yeah! I am better now" I Answered. Then we just sit silently. Someone called Jack. So he left.

After eating soup. Mom help me to reach my room and said to me "Sleep for a while, you might be tired". I lay down and close my eyes .........

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Next update Soon!!!!!!!

..........BOOK 1..........

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