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Sarah POV;
                      A few days I received another message form that unknown person. I don't know what to do So, I just called Jack. I thought he might know how to do something. I called him and he picked up my call.


Hey! Are you ok?

Yes I am! I need your help.

Ok! What do you want?

You know how to check someone's location through their mobile number or message?

I think I can do this! But,this will be very difficult

Please help me! Can we meet I'll tell you everything.

Ok. I'll send you the location.

No. I can't go outside. Can you please come to my house?

Ok! I will.

Thank you! I am waiting.

Ok I'll be there within 30 minutes.

Ok! Bye


I hung up! I knew that he could do something. Although, he is one of the brilliant student of our collage. I start reading those messages again and again.

          I Asked Mom "When will be Jason came?". "I don't know he didn't tell me" Mom answered. I again went to my room and just sat on my bed until Jack came. He reached "Finally" I said........

           "Sorry! I'm a bit late because of traffic" jack said. "It's ok" I said. "So, Who's location you want to know and why?" Jack Asked. I gave my mobile to him and tell him to read all the messages.....

       I also requested him not to tell Mom about anything. He agreed. He said me to give him my laptop. I didn't say anything and gave him. I don't know what he was doing but, the way he's typing was cool.

      Anyway, After 1 hour. He said "Yahooo". "What?" I Asked. "I found the location" he Answered. "Really?" I Asked. "Yeah!" He Answered. "I knew you can do this" I said with joy...

          "So, where's the person living? Do you know his name?" I Asked. "He lived near a restaurant Panoramic and his name is.... His name is Freddie"  Jack Answered.

        "Oo So,this is his freaking name" I said. "What are you going to do now?" Jack Asked

           "What do you think I just need some evidence and than we will go to the police" I Answered. After some investigation I tell mom about everything. She said me to do whatever I want. She will always be with me because she trust me. I also told everything to Jason and kevin and they were also stand with me. They all give me courage and didn't make me feel alone.

            As I found out the name and location of my kidnapper, I felt a rush of emotions - anger, fear, and sadness. I knew I couldn't let this person get away with what he had done to me. I decided to take matters into my own hands and gather as much evidence as possible to build a case against the kidnapper. This wasn't an easy task, but I was determined to see it through. I  spent countless hours researching and gathering information, and eventually, I  had enough evidence to go to the authorities.

                As I  walked into the police station, I  felt a sense of anxiety rising within me. I knew that the road ahead would be difficult, but I was ready to take it on. As I  sat down with the detective and shared all the details of my kidnapping.I gave them the name and location of the kidnapper, As well as all the evidence I had gathered. The detective listened carefully and assured that they would do everything in their power to bring the kidnapper to justice.

                    Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. l waited anxiously for any news about the case. Finally, One day, I received a call from the detective. He told me that they had arrested the kidnapper and that he had confessed to everything. I felt a sense of relief wash over me. I knew that justice had been served, and I could finally move on with my life.

                 I bravery and determination had paid off. I  had taken a traumatic experience and turned it into something positive. I  had shown that even in the face of adversity, we can rise above it and fight for what is right.

           I decided to meet that person ( Freddie) and Ask some questions. So I called the detective and Ask him if I could meet him. He agreed and said me that I Can meet him but only for a few minutes......

      I agreed and went to the police station.I sat across from my kidnapper, my heart pounding in my chest. I  knew that this was a dangerous situation, but I also knew that I needed answers. I took a deep breath and looked the kidnapper in the eye. "Why did you do it?" I asked, my voice shaking slightly. The kidnapper smirked. "Why do you think?" he replied. "Money, power, control. It's all the same thing in the end."

                   I  felt a wave of anger wash over me. How could someone be so cruel and heartless? "What about the threats?" I asked. "Why did you feel the need to make them?"

             The kidnapper shrugged. "It's all part of the game," he said. "I needed you to be scared, to feel like you had no control. That's how I got what I wanted."

              I clenched my fists, trying to keep my  emotions in check. I knew that I couldn't let this man see my weaknesses. "Are there others?" I asked. "Did you have any accomplices?"

                The kidnapper laughed. "You think I'm stupid enough to tell you that?" he said. "You're lucky you're still alive."

                      l felt a chill run down my spine. I  knew that I needed to get out of there before things got any worse. I stood up, ready to leave. "I hope you rot in jail," I said, my voice was cold and steady.

                   As I walked out of the room, I  felt a  sense of relief wash over me. I had faced my fears and confronted my kidnapper. It wasn't easy, but I knew that it was necessary for my own healing and for the safety of others. I walked out of the police station and into the bright sunlight, feeling like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I took out my phone and called Jason. I told him everything.

              He didn't say much but the only thing he said was "I am proud of you". Which was enough for me..........

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      😊 See You At The Next Part 😊

                  .........BOOK 1..........

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