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Sarah POV;
                       Then we reached at the airport... Our flight is  1 hour later  So, we sat on chairs......We all were scrolling our phones and then Mom came to me...


Yeah Mom!

I have something to tell you a truth

Ok! I am listening.

Not here! Can you please come with me for a second....


  Then I get up and we start walking.... "What do you want to talk about?" I Asked..... "The thing is that I am not ready to tell you this but, Jason keep insisting that we should tell you now" She said sadly...... "Don't worry! Whatever it is please tell me" I said.........She seems worry about something.

Jason POV;
                     I only remember that when I was 2 years old dad told me that Sarah is my sister... I was very happy to have a sister but, As time pass I found that she's not my biological sister... Dad adopted her from some American people... Mom didn't tell me that what type of people they are....... Before dad die he said  to me and mom that,When Sarah become 20 year old  we have to tell her that's we aren't her biological family.......

           So, before our trip I went to my mom's room... I said to mom that she should tell Sarah that, she's not her biological Mother.... But, Mom loved  Sarah so much that she don't want to tell her... I keep insisting to tell Sarah everything.......

         After some time mom agreed to tell Sarah everything... But, she said that she will told her on airport not now.... I agreed on her dicision.....

Sarah POV;
                 Mom was standing next to me she want to tell me something but she can't speak...... I hug her and said 'Whatever the thing is, If you aren't comfortable to tell me than don't tell"....... She hug me back and start sobbing.........

             Com'on we don't have time..  Jason shouted. Then, We went near to the aeroplane.......

              When we sit In the plane Mom hold my hand and said "Ok! Now I am going to tell you truth".... "Ok!" I said......

The truth is that you are adopted....

Haha! Really.....

This isn't a joke Sarah!

Oh! You are serious!

Yes I am but it doesn't matter that you aren't my biological daughter.. I still love you Soo much.


When you are 1 year old your parents came to us.... Your biological father and my husband were best friends.. he came to us and told us that they are in big trouble.... They lose alot of amount in investment So, they beg to raise you..... Beacuse we don't have a daughter and we loved you like our own daughter So, we adopted you.......

                    We promised to your parents that we came to see them when you become 20 years old... This is the right time and we are specially going to meet you biological parents.........

Why didn't you tell me before??

I don't want to hurt you dear!please forgive me.....

So, you are saying that we're going to meet my biological parents... This isn't a family trip?...

Yeah! Somehow but we will go anywhere you want!!

I was so shocked and didn't say anything during the whole trip.... When mom was telling me whole thing  Kevin also listened us..... But, he didn't show any experssion......

                     My head was too much hurting that I fall asleep and didn't notice when our plane land..... Jack wake me up and tell me that it's time to go out from the plane...... He even asked me if I am okay.... I tell him that yeah I am fine but only I know that I am not!!!!

        We stay at a hotel everyone was visiting their room.. While I just sat on a sofa and close my eyes..... "Are you alright Sarah?" Jason Asked "Don't talk to me" I yelled and went to my door.... I shut the door hardly.. Everyone noticed but I didn't look back........

              Then Mom tell Jason that she told me everything... Jason was also a bit worried for me.... But why he isn't my biological brother why is he worry for me? I Asked myself...... I didn't eat my lunch and just stay in my room.... Kevin came in my room with some food....

               "Hey! I know you are a bit upset but please eat something..." He said.. "Go away I don't want to" I said sadly..... "See I also don't know about that! I am also angry with my family that they didn't tell me... No matter what you are my older sister" he said while sobbing... I hug him and we both start crying then he feed me some fruits and said to lay down......

                "No more crying and tension" Kevin said and close the door..... I lay down and thought about what type of my biological parents are? Suddenly I start thinking about the best days I spend with my family.... Even they aren't my biological family but still they raise me like their own daughter and sister and I spend my best day with them........

                    This is also hard for them to say me goodbye...... Why did I react too much? I Asked myself..... "Anyway I shouldn't react like that.. I have to make them happy because they did too many things for me" I thought.... Then I fall asleep while thinking about these whole stuffes.....

So, I Hope you like this Twist 🤭🙃

     ♡Get Ready For The Next Part♡


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