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Sarah POV;
                    The day finally came ( Exhibition day) . I woke up at 8am. Wash my face. Ate breakfast."How do you feel?" I Asked Kevin..."I am just  a bit nervous" he answered..........
                                                 "Don't be nervous! I hope they'll love  all your paintings" I said softly..... "I Hope" he said with his mouth full.... "Swallow before speak" I said with a disgusting look........ He giggled.....

            I went to my room. Check my wardrobe to see which dress should I wear...... I took a black jeans with black turtle neck shirt. Also I took a white  type short coat from wardrobe........" This is perfect!" I whispered...... I wear them apply some make up. Wear my sneakers and saw  myself in mirror..... "Wow! I should be a fashion designer" I said to myself looking in the mirror...........

Image: The outfit I wear..........

Kevin POV;
                     I was too nervous that I didn't decide what to wear... I was  still sitting on my bed thinking "What If I do something wrong.... What if they didn't like my painting?" These questions in my mind making me more nervous and crazy.............

                    My mother enter in my room. "Why aren't you ready?" She asked... I didn't reply..." Look I know you are nervous but,You have to be confident. I am sure they'll love your work" My mom said softly and hug me......

       She open my wardrobe and gave me blue jeans with white shirt... "Now! Wear this and come downstairs within 15 minutes" she said while closing the door......... My phone rung....

Hi! Mr Kevin...


I am from Art studio....we are waiting for you.....

Yeah! I.... I'll be there within a hour...

Ok! We are waiting....

Thank you.

Your welcome! See you..Bye


I hung up..... I wear my outfit and went downstairs..... Sarah and mom were already waiting for me..... "Let's go" I said and we sat in the car.......

Sarah POV;
                     We have reached at our destination...  My jaw drop when I saw such a big studio of Art. I can't stop myself and say " Wow! So beautiful".... "Close your mouth otherwise fly entered" Kevin teased me... I close my mouth. "Whatever" I said and rolled my eyes........

            We entered in the studio....there were Soo many people doing different work.....

I hear a men who's saying " painting is the practice of applying paint, pigment,color or other medium to a solid surface"....... I thought he might be a teacher..........

Hi there! Some wave....

Hi! Kevin said..

"Your a bit late but it's ok Follow me" men said softly.. we walked behind him.... We end our walk in a big room with Soo many lights and cameras....

"You will shoot about your painting here" men said......

Ok! Kevin said with a shaking voice....

We'll start in 10 minutes

Ok! I'll be ready

A guy came and apply some makeup on Kevin's face.. After that Kevin sat on a chair in front of a big cameras......

O forgot to told that;

I saw a suspicious men standing behind a curtain... He countinoulsy gazed at Kevin.. I thought he might be directer who's judging Kevin... So, I didn't say anything...........

"And Action".... A men said and everyone seem attentive..... Kevin start talking........
             Hi! I am Kevin Author.. An Artist..... I start  painting when I was 7 years old...... He keep talking about how he feels while he paints and how will other people become a Great Artist.............

What do you think who's behind the curtain??

What will he do??

        A twist is about to  come " he he" 🙃😀

Hope You Like This Part♡♡♡

                       Lots of Love                       

            ...........BOOK 1............


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