Mindful Thinking

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Sarah POV;
                     While lay down I didn't notice when I slept but, I woke up at 9am Sharp.... "Oh no why didn't anyone wake me.. Now I am late for college" I Shouted. Then I think about yesterday's incident... "I'll tell teacher what happened to us So, she will not say anything" I said to myself.......

          First I went to my mom's room to check if she's awake or not... But she was still sleeping. I didn't disturb her and went to kevin's room.. He was sitting on his bed thinking about something..... "Hey! You up?" I Asked and sat next to him.....


How are you felling now? I Asked.

Well! Better than yesterday.. he sighed...

That's good! Let's go out for a walk..

"No! I am not In a mood"... He said

Come-on let's go I swear you'll regret if you don't go.....

Don't be act like a  baby Sis. Your older than me...

I know! But why are you acting like a fifty years old  man..... Get up Now...

Fine...Fine... I'll be in lobby within 5 minutes...

Ok! I am waiting.

Kevin POV;
                      I didn't sleep well last night. I was continuously thinking about David. "Am I the one who always take his place?" I Asked myself..... "But I didn't notice that he want to came in first position. And what can I do that was  teachers decision who came in first and who came second.... So, Why!!!" I thought..............

                  "Should I try and draw better than those painting?".... I Asked to myself. Then I grab paint bursh but David's face appear in my mind... "No I can't do this" I threw the paint bursh,washed my face and sat on my bed thinking that should I make painting or not.... But suddenly Sahara came in my room....................

Sarah POV;
                  Kevin came and we both went to our favorite park which is near to our house, We daily went to  that park when we're kids.... We walk a little bit, Played frisbee together. Kevin  was really good at it, but I wasn't so great. We  laughed and joked around, enjoying the fresh air and sunshine. "Thanks! I'm felling better now" Kevin Asked. "My Pleasure bro" I said............ 

As we were leaving the park, I noticed a woman sitting on a bench, crying. I  asked her if she was okay and the woman told me that she had lost her dog. Me and Kevin  decided to help her, We look for the dog and after a few minutes, we  found him hiding behind a tree....................

Here! Your dog, I said to the girl.

Thank you so much! I'll never forget your kindness...

Welcome! I smiled and said  "I have to go now"......

Ok! Bye

Bye! I wave and leave her with his dog.....

I felt really good about helping someone and wish that I  would   do more things like that......... Then we went home.... " Shall we make something for lunch?" Kevin asked.. " Yeah! Why not" I said.. And we both went to kitchen......

Do you know how to cook? Kevin asked.

Don't think you're a better cheaf than me.... I said and we both laughed hardly..........

We  made spaghetti and meatballs, which was one of our  favorite... While we were cooking, We talked about our favorite movies and TV shows. We  both loved sci-fi and fantasy, and we  spent a long time discussing our  favorite characters and storylines....... "Wow! I can't believe we made this" Kevin said.... "Neither do I" I said and we both give each other a high-five........

                   "Go and tell mom that lunch is ready" I said to Kevin...."Ok!" he said and ran toward mom's room..... While I was busy setting dishes on the table......... Kevin and mom both walk together in the living room.... "I'm proud of my children's" Mom said... "Thank you Mommy" We both said and hug Mom.........

        While eating we tell mom how we help a girl and find her dog... " You both did a great job" Mom said and we smile......... After Lunch, We  watched a movie together and then  Kevin went out with his friends and I went to my room to read some novels......

And  we spend whole evening like that.....................

Nothing Much But I Hope You guys Also Like This Part.............

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