Self defense

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Sarah POV;
                  Me and Kevin went outside for a night walk..... We talk a little bit. "Are you depressed?" I Asked Kevin... "No! I'll be better in some day.. I am just tired" He said...... We're walking holding each other's hand......

Then we went home and I go straight to my room  for some sleep.......

                       I call my teacher and said her that I can't come to collage for a week. I told her the whole story and I was surprised when she agreed..... "OK! But  I'll send you your homework daily. You have to do your homework... I will check when you came back to Collage" She said... "Ok Mam! I'll do my homework... Thanks" I said and hung up......

Back to Story;
                          As I lay down on my bed I remembered that I have some homework to do..... "Aghh Get up Sarah you have Alot to do" I sighed.... Then I sat on my chair and start doing my homework......

After 2 hours;
                           "Finally I complete this whole shit" I said and jump on my bed....... Suddenly my phone rang And I pick up the call........That was jack..

"Hi! How are you?" He Asked....

"Hi! I am fine. What about you? What up?" I Asked....

"Yeah I am good! Teacher told me yesterday that you can't come for a week, Is everything alright?" He Asked......

"No.....No.... Everything is alright Now! You don't have to worry" I said...

"What do you mean Now? What going on?" He Asked.....

"I can't stop myself and told him everything about how I saw colour in my dream and some dead people's but I didn't notice..... And then that accident happened to us"..........

"Oh I hope everything is fine now" he said.....

"Yeah! It is I think" I said and sighed....

"Ok! I have to go in a party with my dad I'll call you later. Take care" He said......

"Ok bye!" I said and hung up.....

After hung up the call I was scrolling my phone, when I saw a  advertisement of a magic show which will held in local amusement park......"I really want to go there" I said to myself and ran towards Kevin's room. Kevin.....Kevin....listen... I shouted..... "Speak slowly I can hear you" he said..... " I want to go to a amusement park, want to join?" I Asked...... " Yeah why not" He said.

                   "Ok we'll go tomorrow morning at 9am" I said... "Done" Kevin said with a smile.......

The Next Day;
                         I woke up at 7:30 am and went downstairs to eat breakfast... I saw that mom didn't wake up yet So, I just open the refrigerator and grab an apple..... While eating an apple I went to kevin's room "Are you ready?" I Asked "Yeah just 5 minutes" he said while combing his hairs..............Then we went to amusement park......

                            My jaw drop when I saw huge crowd........ But I immediately shut my mouth and felt ashamed that what if someone saw me with my open mouth.............. Then we rode all the roller coasters and ate cotton candy " I want some  popcorn" Kevin request me like a baby...."Fine I'll go and but that for you" I said and ran towards in the popcorn stole...........

                  Then we even won a stuffed animal at one of the carnival games. I  felt like a kid again, and I loved spending time with Kevin . As the day went on, We met some friends from my collage "Oh jack isn't here" I sight then, we spend  a great time hanging out with them. We  watched a magic show and a circus performance, and then we even got to ride in a hot air balloon........... "I love this day"  I said with a smile... Everyone look at me and laugh because I was acting like I never went at any amusement park.........

      I felt really happy and relieved, and I knew that I would always remember this day as one of the best days of my  life.As we were leaving the amusement park, Me and Kevin noticed a strange man following us. We  tried to ignore him and walked faster, but he kept getting closer. Suddenly, the man grabbed  Kevin's hand  and pulled him into a nearby alley...............

Someone help!!!!!! I shouted but no one listened.........

                    I was terrified and didn't know what to do. Suddenly I  remembered the self-defense moves that my  dad had taught me and I decided to use them. I  kicked the man in the groin and ran to get help. I  found a security guard and told him what had happened. The security guard called the police and they were able to catch the man. Me and Kevin  was shaken up but unharmed, and I felt proud of myself for being able to protect him. I knew that I  had learned an important lesson about staying safe and being aware of my surroundings.............

"Thanks Sis" he said with a shaking voice........

"It's ok Kevin" I said with a smile and hug him tightly.

I Try My Best Not To Do Any Mistake........

.......... HOPE YOU GUYS LIKE.........


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