My little Fck buddy

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I walked into the apartment, putting the key on the counter and walking to the kitchen to look for a water bottle.

The clock read 9:37 pm

It wasn't much in the fridge so I pulled out a coke and drank half of it before placing it down on the counter next to the key.

I walked out the kitchen passing the living room and opening the room door where I see ryan sprawled out across his bed.

Ryan is my fuck buddy, we have the same friend group but nobody knows about what we do when we're alone, He gave me his apartment key for whenever i wanted to have sex with him if he didn't have company.

He was sleeping when I took my pants off and straddled his waist, Caressing the back of my hand on his cheek.

He opened his eyes wide eyed and stared at me.

"It's very late" He said, His voice raspy from having just woke up, I knew he just finished his 10 hour shift and was pretty tired.

"I know but I was out" I said unbuttoning his pants and zipping them down.

"It's fine" He said stretching his body.

I pulled down his pants and rubbed him through his boxers making him groan.

"How was work?" I asked pulling down his boxers as he sat up on his elbows shrugging his shoulders.

"The same as always, did you see the groupchat?" He asked me suddenly flippin me on my back as he pulled my panties aside and lined himself up, only inserting the tip before looking at me to answer his question.

"No, why?" I asked before he slowly dipped himself deeper into me, I moaned in pleasure, His hands wrapped around my waist.

"I'll tell you after" His voice deepended as he thrusted his girthy dick inside of me.

It wasn't until the clock read 10:32 pm that we stopped.

He lay inbetween my legs as I braided his long hair that he was soon to get cut next month.

"Jada Wants to go to the beach" He started.

"I don't think i can make it, but this is a good opportunity for you to get closer to her" I stated as he nodded making me mess up the braids as I sucked my teeth.

Ryan has been trying to get with Jada for a while now, Even though me and him are fucking, If jada were to give him the chance he'd drop me for her in a heart beat.

Im absolutely okay with that because I didn't want anything else but sex with him and considering im a 24 year old female I can pretty much have sexual relations with anyone else after him.

"Why can't you come? Your supposed to be like, my wingman" Ryan stated leaning his head a bit on my thigh.

"I don't think I'll be much help considering she thinks me and you are a thing, besides if its such a problem, I'll come and bring another guy" I stated, Ryan nodded sitting up.

"What guy?" He asked curiously.

"Not sure yet" I shrugged.

"Hey Stella, If i ever do get the chance to date Jada, Do you suppose i tell her about us?" He asked staring at me with his big brown eyes.

"It's really up to you, I could care less" I said with a small smile.

He hummed.

He crawled beside me and lay down, Looking ready to sleep.

"I'll get going" I said getting up.

"Are you sure? Its late, You can sleep here" He said with his eyes shut.

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