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I was stressing myself out, and that was the tamest way to put it. Even before today, I was learning too much in too little time, but I was grateful. My parents told me not to look at things in a forced manner, instead opting for the able approach. Since we had that conversation, I looked at all this stress in the best way possible.

I had been touching up on my cooking for months. I had Onika tasting and when she started telling me no, I had my boys tasting. They weren't shy about telling me what was nasty, and my sweet baby girl wasn't either. But Naomi never wanted to hurt my feelings. She would bring Onika and I together as not to embarrass me in front of her big brothers.

By now, I was good enough to get Onika's approval.

I heard loud, fast feet running down the stairs. I waited for my boys to come into the kitchen. I didn't expect Naomi, but she was right there in the front, leading her pack.

"I'd love to know why y'all are running in the house," I looked down at the three of them, "In shoes."

Naomi was paying my words no mind. She broke into a smile immediately, becoming Onika's twin. She reached up and I picked her up, kissing her on her cheek.

"Put those shoes up then come back and talk to me."

Symere sucked his teeth, "She doesn't have to take off her shoes."

"What did I just say?"

King lead his little brother out of the kitchen and Naomi laid her head on my shoulder. Baby girl's head smelled like straight up pink lotion.

"You need to tell your mama to stay out of your head."

"You tell me since you got so much to say," Onika came strutting into the kitchen, the boys following right behind her.

When she got close enough, I grabbed her by the waist and kissed her on her temple. "Wassup beautiful."

"Nah ain't no wassup. What'd you just say?"

"You heard me. Give me a kiss."

"You don't deserve nothing."

"Yet here you come," She turned my head and the moment her lips met mine, I was coming back for more.

I was completely smitten. When I looked at her, I saw who I used to be and who I was still becoming for both her and my children. Admittedly, when we met, I thought about her like she was an object, something that I could own simply because of who I was. For a night, I did, and we forcefully got matched up together. The journey we went on together and everything that she'd taught me continued to run through my mind, forcing me to fight for us every single day.

Often I thought, without her, none of this would have ever been possible. Naomi wouldn't be here, Chris and I would have fallen out over Draya, and I would have a trail of children that I would continuously leave behind.

Without Onika, I would be a broken woman with no purpose and no genuine love in my life. I would forever be grateful for her.

I looked down at her feet, "Why you got shoes on in my house?"

"She's alright!" My boys were coming to her defense immediately.

"Who is the parent here? Please let me know."

"She can have her shoes on," Symere was speaking sweetly the way he'd seen Onika do with me, to get what she wanted. And it was working.

I kissed Onika on her cheek, "You made them like this."

"Don't put that on me. That's what you showed them."

The doorbell rang and the boys looked up at me, itching to go answer it.

"Check the camera before you touch that door," I told them and they ran off.

Onika leaned over onto my shoulder as I rested back against the island. Watching and mimicking, Naomi laid her head on my shoulder too.

The high I used to feel from partying endlessly had turned into this peace I felt with my family near me. I felt like a different woman, like I couldn't even recognize who I was before Onika came into my life.

She grabbed hold of my hand, "I bet it's Robyn and Lana."

"They are always the first ones to show up, aren't they?"

"They are," She rubbed my hand and returned my kiss, "I'm so proud of you baby."

"For what? I ain't did shit."

"Watch your mouth babe. Speak correctly."

"I'm sorry."

"I'm proud of you for taking your life seriously without me having to remind you every day. You're growing every day and I'm proud. Am I allowed to be proud?"

She didn't sound afraid anymore like she had been before. I was happy that I'd proved myself enough that she was no longer waiting for the other shoe to drop. Hurting her wasn't on my agenda and I loved her so damn much that temptation no longer felt enticing to me. This is where I wanted to be.

Symere shouted from the door, "It's Mommy! Let her in?!"

"Open the door!"

"Go meet your guests love," She took Naomi from me.

I headed to the door and saw not only Solana walking into the house but Robyn, Chris, Ken, Gelo, and literally everybody else. It was like they all rolled up together. Even my parents were being cordial.

"Wassup y'all."

"Hey boo," Robyn kissed me on my cheek and passed me.

Everybody followed her lead then walked in to speak to Onika. In seconds, my house was full of laughs and love for my baby girl. I turned around to follow and Naomi was walking my way with her bottom lip poked out, holding out her pinky.

"What happened to my baby?"

She kept coming and I squatted down as she showed me her boo boo. I kissed her little bruise until she was laughing, so ticklish.

"You look like your mama."

She pointed into the dining room where everybody had migrated.

"You wanna go in there? I'll follow you."

She wasn't playing that at all. She held her arms out for me to pick her up.

Everybody kept telling me to stop picking her up but she's my daughter. I can pick up my daughter if I want to. They saw us coming in and I could already see them almost rolling their eyes when they saw her on my arm.

"Don't tell me nothing. I got her."

"Did you do all this Bey? You did all this cooking and decorating?"

"The boys set the table and helped me decorate."

King and Symere looked so proud, sitting up and puffing out their chests. Anything I could do, they could do better. That was the legacy I had created.

I took a seat between Chris and Onika, sitting Naomi in my lap. I nuzzled up to my woman, looking at the family that I'd brought together, that'd come together with my leadership.

I realized now that this leadership had been given to me from birth, whether I wanted it or not. I'd had my years of fun, but buckling down and handling my business not only made me a healthier woman, but a happier one as well.


ROCKSTAR LIFESTYLE {COMPLETED}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora