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July 1st

I checked my phone as I entered the club. I was checking on my cubs, smiling at the picture of the three of them asleep in Onika's old bedroom. Symere had his arm draped over Naomi and King took the edge so she wouldn't fall.

It was such a blessing to have those children. They loved each other and they stuck together. That was good, and I didn't even have to force them.

Absolutely lovely, but I had a different focus tonight.

I slid my phone in my back pocket and waved at everyone that Julius cleared for me to walk through. I was lit up on the inside, my body tingling. The energy from the flashing lights and the music sat on my chest, and I was in love. I had missed this feeling so very much. I hadn't even realized it until now.

"Beyonce's in the building!" The DJ shouted and loud gunshots shook the club from the soundboard. Everybody was going crazy but I was just waving. They wouldn't have been able to hear me anyway.

The attention had me on a high. I'd been cooped up for so long, and I had to admit, I missed it all. I always had such a good time and tonight was no different.

Shawn came out of nowhere and draped his arm around me, "Damn it's nice to see you. You fell off the face of the earth. The only way I see you now is some social media. I heard you had another baby."

I nodded and he guided me through the club. I looked up and saw my crew waving down at me. I waved back and allowed Shawn to walk me to the bar.

Turning to him, I said, "A baby girl. She's perfect."

"And her mother?"

"She's in here somewhere. She's not gonna like you sitting next to me like this."

"Why's that?"

"It's a secret to nobody that you're feeling me."

He chuckled and ordered the both of us shots of Don Julio. My favorite.

"Does she have a right to feel like that?"

"You asking me if I made her my girlfriend?"

"I guess you could say that."

"Yeah that's my girl," I told him proudly and we took our shots.

I was three shots in and the music had my body, would soon have my mind too. There was one woman that sat there. The woman that I was going home with him tonight. The woman that had given me the best gift I could have ever asked for. She had my mind, and I couldn't wait to see her.

Shawn was a non-factor, but Onika already knew that.

Two more shots and my body was no longer my own. Shawn rubbed my arm and left me at the bar. The bartender was nowhere near as beautiful as my last memorable bartender, but she was fine. Small waist, small breasts, and a fat ass. If I wasn't a changed woman, I would've been taking her home with me tonight.

"What you having? More Don?" She asked me, leaning over the bar.

There was no spark here, no tingling sensation in my balls. She was so close, the pictures would cause problems in my household, but there was nothing here. Nothing. This girl... Candace was coming strong, and I wasn't feeling her.

"Let me get one more shot."

She didn't even move, "Anything for you."

I took the shot then left her there at the bar. The music was shaking everyone inside, loud, slow tempos filling these four walls. Everybody with somebody grabbed their somebody and made it to the dance floor. I stood against the wall, watching those lovely people dance with love in them. My mind had them moving in slow motion, sexy bodies against sexy bodies, in love or something like it.

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