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August 15th

"You don't have to open the door but I do wanna talk. I want to apologize. I want to start over. I want to be here."

I stood at the island, snacking on a handful of cashews. Listening to Beyonce was like listening to a broken record. I'd heard these words far too much and they didn't move me. Not one bit.

I went over to the window and saw the dozens of paparazzi outside, taking pictures of my building. They never got tired. They saw Beyonce walk in here and they never left, not even when she did. Half of them go with her, and half of them stalk me until I answer their questions.

I didn't need that, and neither did my child. All of that media attention because one person couldn't wrap it up. That, to me, was the definition of insanity.

"Onika I won't leave. I told you I wanted to be here and I meant it. I just made a mistake. I didn't know about the appointment and that's on me. I said I'm sorry."

Her apology meant nothing to me. I had heard sorry and empty apologies since the day she came into my life. The only reason I was even still pregnant was because I'd grown a connection to this fetus that was mine. I would give it a good life, and love it the way my mama and my daddy love me. I didn't need Beyonce to do that.

"I was thinking we could go shopping for the baby before it gets here. You know, be prepared."

I left her there, went down the hall to my bedroom, shut the door, and laid down to take a nap. This baby made me so tired.

When I woke up from my nap, my door was open and I could hear conversation in my living room.

I would find out who's in there at some point. I was in no rush, and I had a hunch anyway.

I brushed my teeth and made up my bed before I went out there and saw Beyonce and my parents. Of course.

I sat down  next to my mama and laid my head on her shoulder. "I see y'all have met."

"She was sitting outside your door."

I was surprised she had stayed outside my door. I was surprised that she hadn't run off to the club when Chris called. But surprise didn't make her trustworthy. That was a description that hell would freeze over before she gained.

"Which one of you has my key?"

Daddy reached over the coffee table and handed it to me. I was nice last time, but Mama would be getting it next. Sometimes he could be way too nice to people that did not deserve it.

"What are y'all talking about?"

"You, and the baby."

"What about my baby?" I grew defensive, placed my hands on my belly.

"I want to start over Nic. I made a mistake and I'm asking you for another chance."

I looked straight at her and told her, "No."

She looked like she had never been told no a day in her life, and that was probably the truth. People were always in her corner, kissing her ass and telling her yes when the answer should have always been no. She was a spoiled child living a spoiled life and she thought bringing my parents into this would work in her favor. Wrong. They would try their best to work the middle, but at the end of the day, they were my parents. And I was right anyway.

She sucked her teeth and looked to my parents for help. When they wouldn't, she was begging to talk alone.

I knew her, people like her. She wanted to get me by myself so she could try to charm her way back. Unfortunately, she wasn't as charming as she'd hoped.

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