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July 13th

With Symere beside me, I knocked on Robyn's door. My phone sat between my ear and my shoulder, talking to Tony who'd found out with the rest of the world that I was having my third with my third.

I was a trending topic, already, and the internet detectives were finding pictures of Onika. This was nothing new. When the public found out about Robyn, they went crazy. When they found out about Solana, they were all in her comments until she was forced to turn them off. I wanted to prevent that from happening to Onika, but eventually it was going to.

"Why is this my first time hearing about this?" He asked me, "I could've gotten in front of this."

"There's nothing to get in front of. She's pregnant, that's just what it is."

The door opened and King was there, jumping up and down when he saw his little brother. I let Symere's hand go and handed King his birthday bag.

"Happy birthday boy," I kissed the top of his head and we walked into the house.

"Tell your son I said happy birthday," Tony said.

"He said thank you."

"You didn't even tell him."

"Tony I'm with the fam right now," I said, following my kids further into the house.

Since I bought the damn thing, I should know the layout, but Robyn was tearing down walls and putting up more day by day. The only way I knew was when I got sent the bill for her home renovations.

"What do you want me to say to these people?" He asked, "They just keep calling asking me if the girl is lying, if this is for real, if you have anything to say about it."

"I'm not saying nothing. They don't need to know my damn business."

When I saw Robyn, I walked up to her and hugged her around the waist, kissing her exposed shoulder. I told Tony to tell them nothing, I had nothing to say, then I turned a laughing Robyn to me.

"Why you touching me like you got it like that?"

"Melissa not here yet, you can give me a kiss baby," I pulled her closer by her growing ass and she planted her hands on my chest.

She let me lean in and kiss her until we heard the kids running around us. We pulled away simultaneously and I winked at her.

"If you think you're getting some, you're not."

I sucked my teeth, "Don't be stingy. You know that girl had me on lockdown. I feel like I just got out of rehab."

"She told us not to fuck you."

"You gon' listen to her over me?"

"We have a baby mama alliance."

I rolled my eyes, "I knew y'all were gonna rise up against me."

"Let us meet the damn girl," Solana shook me by my shoulders then stood beside me, kissing my cheek.

"Where the hell you come from?"

"You think I'm not coming to my half son's birthday party? Why baby mama #3 not here?"

"She has to work?"

"Pay her and tell her to come here. She's gonna stop working eventually."

At a certain point in their pregnancy, I stopped Robyn and Solana from working. More like, I had to beg them to stop. They were so taken care of that they stopped all on their own.

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