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July 11th

"This is extremely distasteful. They are being completely inconsiderate to everybody else's time. It's disrespectful."

I placed my hand on her inner thigh, bringing her close to me. "Relax baby. Don't let her get you all worked up like this."

I want that bitch to drop dead."

She leaned her body against mine, and looked up at me for a kiss.

I hated to see her all angry over Draya, but if I hadn't planned this sit down, we would be hopping around this damn issue forever.

I planned on having Onika in my life for a very long time. She upgraded my life in a major way. Because of her, I belonged to the country club that we were sitting in now. I wasn't the best with all the paperwork. Usually I let my mom or my lawyer handle it, but growing meant learning in every single aspect of my life. So when I took my children with me to feel the place out, I took it upon myself to actually read the papers that I planned on signing.

We were there for three hours, but I was determined to get it done.

And when I walked Onika in here for the first time, I felt like a leader. I felt like she was proud to be on my arm. I could overdose on that feeling, and I would do it happily.

I kissed her again until she started smiling.

"I really don't like to act like this."

"I know. You're just rude to the mother of your child."

She laughed, "Seriously. It takes too much energy to hate and argue with Draya. I'm out here trying to make a name for myself and build a family simultaneously. She isn't a part of that, and she's doing a lot for someone you've never had sex with. Are you sure you've never had sex with her?"

"Never. I was on you from the start."

"Baby you know better than to lie to me. I know everything already."

I was thinking about what she said. Trying to make a name for herself. Building a family. It wasn't the topic of discussion now, but I wondered if that was what we were doing. Building a family. I'd love to build a family with her. A strong one. A deliberate, intentional family. Something we could look back on and say that was planned.

I'd never thought of that. Honestly, I thought Naomi was our end all, be all. I didn't even think we would make it this far, but here I was, making moves to make her comfortable. Crazy.

"One more damn minute and we're leaving. It's beyond disrespect at this point. We have children to tend to. You know what? Get up."

She stood up but I could see Chris and Draya entering the facility, handing their phones over. Onika and I had opted for keeping our phones on our person, and when they had that baby, they would feel the same.

I held Onika's hand, "Sit babe."

"What happened to all that you got my back shit?"

"Come on," I tugged her until she sat, my hand resting on the inside of her thigh again, "They're here."

"Sorry for what I said."

"It's alright," I kissed her head and we both stood up to greet them. It was more like Chris and I hugging and Chris greeting Onika.

"It's nice to see you Bey," Draya said and they both took a seat.

I held Onika's hand as we sat, ignoring Draya.

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