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(PLZ, reread the last chap before this one cause I have redone it as it was totally against the plot I had thought of...the storyline may seem to be fast, but I'm just adding the parts related to the plot, u can consider the parts not written here to be same as the canon version)


At Orochimaru's hidden lair, darkness shrouded the room where the Snake Sannin lay on his bed, weakened. The mastermind of forbidden jutsu now appeared as a mere shadow of his former self. As he lay there, his twisted mind was occupied with thoughts of his own mortality. He was dying; Orochimaru was dying, and there was no escaping that fate; he had to accept it. His pale, sickly skin clung tightly to his frail frame, but his eyes were still filled with ambition and lust for power.

Kabuto, Orochimaru's loyal and cunning right-hand man, exited the chamber to get more medicine, leaving his master momentarily alone. The light thud of his footsteps broke the silence. Unknown to them, a faint presence lurked outside, hidden by the shadows. An unsettling hush settled in the air when Kabuto stopped, as if the very universe held its breath in anticipation.

Then, it happened with the quickness of a lightning strike. A blade made of chakra infused with the power of lightning shot precisely towards Orochimaru through the half-open door. In a flash, he blocked the incoming assault with his arms. The blade quivered against Orochimaru's defense, and Orochimaru couldn't help but notice the familiar chakra manipulation; however, the shape eluded him.

The blade belonged to Sasuke Uchiha, he had been Orochimaru's prized student until his recent departure. Till date, he used to listen to all his instructions, hoping to be powerful enough to fight his brother, Itachi, to take revenge for the massacre of his clan, but he wasn't sure why Itachi did so, and he was even more surprised to know that his beloved little brother had helped in that...Standing just outside the door, Sasuke met his teacher, not for further training or knowledge but for an entirely different purpose. He was there to end Orochimaru's existence before he continued his journey to find and avenge the death of his clan by his older brother, Itachi.

Sasuke's cold, obsidian eyes bore into Orochimaru's weakened form as he spoke with a chilling voice. "I have nothing more to learn from you, Orochimaru. You are nothing but a withered relic, wasting away in your lust for power."

Orochimaru's eyes blazed with a venomous fire. "Mock me all you want, Sasuke-kun, but do you truly believe you can defeat me?"

Sasuke's lips curled into a grin, "You and your experiments, your hunger for power, it's no different from Itachi's thirst for strength. Both of you are consumed by a sick obsession."

"Nonetheless, I will take over your body. Wasn't that the deal, Sasuke-kun?"

"All you wanted was the Sharingan, Itachi was too much for you, so you targeted his younger brother."

With a swift motion, Sasuke launched another chakra blade towards Orochimaru, this time with the intention of ending the Sannin's life.

Orochimaru's instinct for survival kicked in, evading the deadly blade once more. But Sasuke was no longer playing games. He moved with an almost unnatural swiftness, closing the gap between them in an instant. Orochimaru had underestimated his former student's growth.

In a flash, Sasuke pinned Orochimaru's arms to the wall with his immense strength and focused chakra. Orochimaru struggled against the grip, but Sasuke's resolve was unyielding. It was clear that Sasuke intended to deliver a finishing blow, one that Orochimaru would not survive.

But Orochimaru wasn't fazed at all. In a last-ditch effort to survive, he abandoned his weakened human vessel and revealed his true form. The room seemed to tremble as the serpent-like entity emerged, composed of countless small, white snakes that slithered together to form the grotesque face of their master.

Sasuke's Sharingan eyes flared, and the Cursed Seal on his neck pulsed with dark energy as he activated his transformation. Sinister black markings spread across his body, and his own chakra intensified. Sasuke stood tall, and his voice was laced with pride. "Your ambitions, Orochimaru, are like a snake dreaming of soaring through the skies. But the only way you'll ever experience that is in the talons of a hawk."

With those words, Sasuke's body underwent a transformation again. Wings of dark energy and power sprouted from his back.

The battle that followed was a display of raw power and agility. Sasuke and Orochimaru clashed, with Sasuke's abilities allowing him to keep pace with Orochimaru. He moved somewhat like lightning itself, striking with precision and grace. The room became an ocean of chakra, darkness, and the hiss of Orochimaru's countless snakes.

"You always sought to consume others, to steal their bodies, to prolong your existence. Now, I'm going to consume you."

Orochimaru's hisses and furious attacks only fueled Sasuke's determination. In a powerful clash, Sasuke severed Orochimaru's head from the body, and for a moment, he believed he had triumphed. He let out a small sigh of relief.

But Orochimaru's tricks weren't over. Orochimaru had already thought this through. The severed head released a deadly, paralyzing poison that coursed through Sasuke's veins, rendering him immobile.

Sasuke's triumphant grin turned to one of agonizing realization as the full extent of Orochimaru's power became clear. In an instant, without knowing how it happened, Sasuke found himself in a nightmarish realm—a place with no boundaries and with slimy snakes covering the floor. It was the space where Orochimaru conducted his forbidden body transfer technique!

Orochimaru's voice echoed through the shadowy realm he had created.


Orochimaru's lust-filled eyes were fixed on a single prize: Itachi's Uchiha body, the key to unlocking the ultimate potential of the Sharingan and moving forward to be immortal.

Orochimaru struck, attempting to capture Itachi with his venomous serpents. However, he gravely underestimated the power of Itachi.

It was humiliating that Itachi's three Tomoe Sharingan was able to fool him with a calculated Genjutsu. The world warped into a nightmarish illusion, and Orochimaru faced his limits. Itachi's calm words cut through the madness. "You cannot surpass my eyes, Orochimaru. You never could."

Defeated and humiliated, Orochimaru had no choice but to face his inferiority.

'I... I can't.'

With that, Orochimaru left the organization.

Flashback ends

Now, he believed that he had found a similar potential in Sasuke's eyes, and he just HAD to take them, no matter the cost.


Kabuto had just returned, and as Sasuke came out of the room, a smirk was set on his face.

"Which one are you?"

"Which one do you think?", said Sasuke, leaving him delusional as he walked out.


Orochimaru was about to devour him, taking his body.

Suddenly the world fell apart, and Orochimaru found himself in the place of Sasuke, 'I was sooo close to success.'

His Sharingan flashed as Sasuke took over this realm; his curse mark glowed faintly with an orange light until Orochimaru, the legendary Snake Sannin, was no more.

Flashback ends

-Mitsubachi Sama

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