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After Sasuke finished with Naruto, he left the blonds room to train. Naruto simply went back to sleep, unable to take the pain in his throat. It was strange to him, because he had no clue what Sasuke was doing. However, judging by the moans Sasuke had been making, he seemed to enjoy what Naruto had done to him.

With a deep sigh, Naruto fell into a deep slumber, silently hoping that Sasuke wouldn't want him to do that again.


Sasuke's eyes widened as he looked into the mirror. His shaking hands gripped the sink. He couldn't believe what he had just done. It felt amazing, much better than whatever he had done to himself, but it was Naruto bringing him the pleasure.

"Damn it." Sasuke swore as he turned on the sink and splashed some cold water on his face, in attempt to calm himself down.


The two days that they had free went by rather quickly. Sasuke avoided Naruto, and the two trained separately. The only time they saw each other was when they were on their way to where the next part of the exams would take place. It was only natural that they'd walk together.

"Sakura-chan!" Naruto exclaimed happily, as he ran to catch up to his pink-haired teammate. She paused and smiled at him. When he caught up, they resumed walking. Sasuke was a few feet behind them, and could care less if they waited for him or not.

Sakura felt slightly awkward around Naruto, ever since she found out they he lived with Sasuke, and that Sasuke abused him. Naruto never showed that he was being abused, because he was always happy. Naruto was an amazing person. Anyone else would have easily cracked under the pressure and abuse.

"Hi Naruto-chan." Sakura greeted back, smiling, trying her hardest to not act indifferently towards Naruto.

"Hello to you too, Sasuke-kun." Sakura turned around and waved at her raven haired teammate, who simply nod his head at her acknowledgment.

"So, how did your two day training go?" Sakura asked, starting a conversation in attempts to quell the tension in the air.


"What? What do you mean you're going to abandon your attack on Konoha? We worked so hard on it, and now you want to abandon the plan? That's unacceptable, Kabuto-san." Baki yelled. If it were almost anyone else, they would have flinched at his cruel voice, but Kabuto stood firm. He has no reason to be afraid of Baki.

"I apologize for the inconvenience, but Orochimaru-sama has found that it wouldn't be worth it to do it now. He has other ideas in mind. Ideas that will work much better." Kabuto answered, smirking. If Baki only knew the half of it. Orochimaru had long since been using them for bait. Not only did he want to crush Konoha, but he wanted to crush Suna too.

"Inconvenience? You apologize as if it's so simple. What am I supposed to tell Kazekage now? And Gaara? I'm sure he will be pissed. He'd been planning this with his father for a long time." Baki announced.

"I wouldn't be too sure about that. Gaara has changed since he came to Konoha. And that is because of a little boy by the name of Uzumaki Naruto. If you'd like to blame anyone, blame him." Kabuto finished. He was done talking, and he was going to take his leave. He bowed slightly to Baki before poofing away.

"Uzumaki Naruto, eh? The Kyuubi brat? Well, instead of attacking Konoha, Gaara is going to kill him. I can only hope that they'll be paired up to fight."


"Gaara!" Naruto yelled as he ran up to his red-haired friend. He hugged the boy tightly before pulling away. It seemed as though Gaara and his team hadn't really left the tower.

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