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"Kakashi-sensei," Naruto whined. "For once can we not do a D-class mission? They're so boring and too easy! I want to do something more challenging, more exciting!" Naruto hoped his sensei would take his attention away from the stupid book in order to listen to his plea. Naruto often wondered what was so interesting about that damn book anyway... He wanted to know why Kakashi-sensei was always reading it. Icha Icha Paradise? Feh, what was so good about it?

"What's that Naruto?" Kakashi asked as he tore his attention away from Icha Icha Paradise to listen to the question Naruto asked him. The team was currently standing in line, waiting to get another mission assigned to them. Kakashi didn't really do much during the missions since his students did most of the work and they were so darn easy.

"D-class missions are so boring! Why can't we go on a B-class mission? Or even a C-class! Come on Kakashi-sensei, we can handle it! I can't take the missions assigned to us anymore!" Naruto said as he looked to his other teammates for support.

Sakura was silently agreeing with Naruto, while Sasuke was sitting there with a scowl on his face. But, Naruto knew Sasuke hated these D-class missions as well. None of them had anything to do with fighting, and Sasuke wanted to fight. Sure, some of the other missions did have to do with teamwork and stealth, but fighting would help in the long run. Most of all, it would help Sasuke train, and when he trained, he got one step closer to his revenge.

"Well, I suppose one little C-class mission won't hurt," Kakashi said as he approached the desk. He gave out all the information needed to get a C-class mission.

"Okay, you three will be protecting someone," the 3rd said.

"Eh, eh! Really? Who is it? A princess?" Naruto asked the Hokage in excitement.

"Let me introduce you...You may enter Tazuna," the Hokage said. A man walked into the room, leaning against the door frame. The man had spiky, gray hair, with a matching beard and mustache. He was wearing a black shirt and khaki pants. Around his shoulders looked what might be a towel. He also had a knapsack on his back, which most likely help essentials for the trip.

"What? These three brats are going to be escorting me? With their luck I'll be dead before I exit this village! And that short one over there, he has a stupid face, is he really a ninja?" Tazuna asked, referring to Naruto.

"EH! I'LL KILL YOU!" Naruto yelled as he was about to charge towards the man. But, Kakashi held onto him. "Naruto, don't kill our customer." Kakashi said.

Tazuna said, "My name is Tazuna, I'm an excellent bridge builder and I expect that you'll protect me with everything you've got."

[Scene Break]

I'm so excited! We actually have a C-class mission! We're going to be doing more then chasing after cats! Isn't that great? I can't wait! We're going to be escorting someone back to his village. He's going to need protecting because some people don't want him to finish the bridge. I hope something cool happens during the mission! This is actually going to be my first time leaving this village. We leave tomorrow morning! I hope Kakashi-sensei isn't late this time, but that's probably not going to happen, because he's been late for everything! Training, missions, and he's met us for lunch a few times, but he was so late, it turned into dinner!

I also can't believe it's been nine months since we've all graduated from the Academy! That also means my birthday is in three months. My first birthday as a Team. I wonder how it'll go.


Naruto yawned as he clicked his pen off and put it on the small stand next to his bed. Upon it was an alarm clock, and small desk lamp which was currently turned on so Naruto could write. If Sasuke found out Naruto was awake late at night before an important mission he'd get really mad.

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