6 - [Death]

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"Dead. They're all dead Naruto! And you don't even care!" Sasuke yelled as Naruto sniffed. They were his family too...Of course he cared! Why else would he be crying? He was devastated at the fact that Itachi had killed Sasuke's family, his family...

"You're not a part of this family, and you never were! It's all your fault they're dead! If my parents didn't adopt you, Aniki wouldn't have killed anyone! It's you! It's all your fault!" Sasuke said as he grabbed the pale boys wrists tightly.

"Sasuke, stop. You're hurting me." Naruto whimpered. Sasuke was never like this before! How could Sasuke blame him so easily? They were so close! Inseparable! And now...now Sasuke hated him. And Naruto wasn't even the one to blame! It was Itachi! Itachi was the one who killed everyone. Naruto had nothing to do with it!

"Shut up!" Sasuke yelled as he backhanded Naruto, who wasn't expecting this, and fell to the floor. He reached a hand to his cheek in shock. Sasuke never hit him...Well, unless they were sparring, but that was a completely different story!

"From now on, you listen to me and only me!"

"But Sasuke-"

"Shut up! Don't speak! Don't whimper, don't do anything!" Sasuke yelled, and Naruto tried his best to hold back his tears. The two of them were so close. And now look what had happened. Their relationship would never be the same again. Naruto loved Sasuke so much. Sasuke was his older brother!

"I'll get revenge on him. I'll kill him, torture him for doing this," Sasuke said as he looked over to Naruto. And for the first time that night, Sasuke smirked. But not the kind of smirk Naruto wanted to see upon his older brothers face.

"And you're going to help me."

Whatever had happened to Sasuke in those few seconds he was out of it was a blur to Naruto. He would never know what happened, but he didn't care. His mothers kind words stuck to him.

"Naruto, no matter what happens, I always want you to protect the ones you love. Because the one's you love are your precious people, and you never want to lose your precious people. Family is the most important thing in the world. Don't ever forget that."

And Naruto wouldn't.

No matter what, Naruto would protect the only person he loved.

Even if it ended in his death.

He would protect his one true precious person.

Naruto loved Sasuke more then anything else. And no matter what happened...He always would...


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