The test

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Eleven year old Naruto got up from in his bed slowly. A weird feeling passed through him as he looked at the calendar. He yawned loudly, and rubbed the tiredness out of his eyes. The date, October 10th was circled sloppily in red crayon. Today was Naruto's eleventh birthday. He sighed sadly. There was no point in even thinking about his birthday. He knew Sasuke wouldn't care about his birthday. He stopped caring about his birthday a long time ago, along with caring about him at all.

Naruto sighed as he got dressed in his normal clothes. It was an orange pair of pants, and an orange sweater with blue along the neckline. The collar was white and fluffy. The Genin exam was in a week, and if he didn't pass, Sasuke would be really mad. Madder than Naruto had ever seen him before. Which was why he had to pass.

Out of habit, Naruto reached under the floorboard for his journal, grabbed it and a pen, and began writing.

Normally, when kids become Genins, they're around the ages of 12, and 13, but Sasuke wants me to become one now, even though I'm eleven. Since our family died, he's been pushing me to become as strong as I could, so, even though I'm younger he wants me to be on the same team as him so he me. I'll never get away from him. He treats me so badly, but I can't help myself to still care about him. I'll keep on trying to make him smile, and I'll keep being nice to him. I know he wants revenge on our brother, but, what would he have after the revenge? Girls watch him and get excited when they see him. Our sensei's are always so impressed by him, and the elders are proud of how strong he is. Everyone says that they love him, but they don't really know him. So, if he does kill Aniki, what will he have after it? No one...except me...I'll be there to pick up the pieces. I just hope nothing happens to me in the process. Sasuke needs someone. Sasuke needs me.

"Naruto! Come on, let's go outside to train!" Sasuke shouted angrily. Naruto shut his journal and shoved it underneath the floor board once again.


"S...Sasuke. Stop, you're hurting me." Naruto said as he winced. Sasuke currently had an extremely tight grip on his wrist, something he did a lot. And it hurt. It felt as though Sasuke was going to break it if he didn't let go. Naruto didn't want any broken bones. Broken bones meant he'd have to go to the hospital, which meant he'd have to explain what happened. Sure, he could say he was training, but the bruises he got on his wrists from Sasuke gripping to too tightly looked too much like fingers. The doctors would know what happened, and Naruto didn't want to deal with what would happen after.

"You want to pass the test? Do you want to be on the same team as I am? Then you better toughen up Naruto, or you'll never graduate. " Sasuke said.

"Sasuke! I'll pass! I really will! I promise." Naruto said desperately.

"The final exam is in 20 minutes, and you still can't make a proper bunshin. Even people who are younger than you can do it. You're pathetic Naruto." Sasuke said as he gave Naruto's wrist one more tight squeeze before shoving him to the floor. Naruto brought his legs to his stomach, and brought his now bruised wrist to his chest in attempts to nurse it. By the time he looked up, Sasuke was gone.

"He's rather cruel to you isn't he?" A voice said from above him. He looked up to see a white-haired man. One of the many sensei of Konoha. While he wasn't Naruto's sensei (Iruka was) he still knew the man from the academy.

"H...he has his reasons. A lot of it is my fault anyway! I usually do something stupid to provoke him. Or I mess something up." Naruto said. He always defended Sasuke, and always made it seem like it wasn't Sasuke's fault for what he did to him, even though deep down inside, he knew he shouldn't, but he would never admit that. Not even to himself.

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