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"I wonder, how my darling little brother's are right now. It's been almost five years since I've seen them. Maybe it's time to make myself known. I'm sure Naruto will be quite happy to see me." A young man wondered out loud.

He wore a black robe with red clouds on it. He had black hair that was pulled back into a ponytail, and piercing black eyes. He wore a strange necklace that wrapped almost tightly around his neck.

"Itachi, the vision you showed Sasuke that day, what was it?" Another man asked. He too, was wearing the same robe, except this man was much taller.

He held a large sword and his skin had a tint of blue to it. He had sharp teeth and his appearance made him resemble a shark.

"The vision? When I trapped him with mangekyou sharingan?" Itachi asked, and the shark-man nod his head. It was something Itachi hadn't thought about since it had happened.


"I will show him what he fears the most. I'll show him Naruto's death." Itachi said to himself as he waited for his younger brothers to return home.

He was going to trap Sasuke in Tsukiyomi, and show him Naruto dying, slowly. It would crush the little boy, and make him even more protective than he was now.

It was all a part of the plan that Itachi had laid out the moment he found out that his parents were adopting Uzumaki Naruto, the container of the Kyuubi. It was almost perfect.

Flashback ends

Something happened. Itachi had meant to show the death of naruto, but instead, something went horribly wrong.

Perhaps it was because it was the first time he was using the manekyou sharigan on another person or perhaps it was because sasuke was terrified. But on that day, after planning so hard for this one day, everything went downhill when sasuke saw the wrong vision in tsukiyomi

Night-time-At Naruto's House

'Was it really my fault Sasuke left?'

'No it was a big misunderstanding.'

'Anyway I must get rea-'

I looked behind me only to see shocked to see somebody I haven't seen in a long time.

"Itachi.....is that you?"

Itachi nodded.

"Aniki, I missed you so much where have you been?" Naruto asked crying hugging Itachi.

Itachi is dumbstruck, didn't Naruto know he was very dangerous, didn't he kill his family?

Why did he still love him?

"I've been doing stuff" Itachi said hugging back.

"Like what?"


"What does that even supposed to mean!?"



"How you've been doing? Have you been eating enough? Are you ok? You've been training? Anybody tried to hurt you? Yo-"

"Ni-san I'm doing good."

"You sure?" Itachi asked suspicious.


"Ok if you say so-"

Itachi's POV

"Big brother, did you miss me?" Naruto asked.

"Of course you're my little brother why wouldn't I?" Itachi said patting Naruto's head.

"Cause I haven't seen you since that...you haven't even bothered to visit me or Sasuke so-"

"Because of what I'm doing...I couldn't see you trust me... I miss you both very much."


"I can't have you or Sasuke hurt, Naruto people are after you and I can't let anything happen to you."

"I don't need you to protect me anymore, I can protect myself now," Naruto says smiling and grabbing his hand.


"ITACHI COME ON," Kisame said from outside the window...

'This idiot he's gonna get us caught...'Itachi thought as he quickly said, "Well...Naruto I have to go"

"Will we meet again?"

"Yes, we will..."

'Stay safe...'Itachi thought as he couldn't say it aloud..."Until we meet again, otōto, remember......I love you"



















Not really, but from now on the story will be completely mine and it will be written in my style, the parts after this will not be the ones I copied from the books written by the original author, they will be from my imagination only, tho me and the author have discussed the ending.


- Author Chan 

Someone to call a family + You're not alone anymoreحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن