[The Hideout]

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Naruto had discussed with Sakura to make that a mission for their team...their team 7...

'It was like a family...but now...its broken...without Sasuke - san it is...always... somewhat....empty...'

'And then kakashi - sensei was replaced too', he broke through his thoughts as he focused on the reality... intrigue filled the air as Yamato's discovery sent shockwaves through the group. "You won't believe what I've found. Sai's Bingo Book... it's filled with 'X' marks next to names."

Naruto's eyes widened in disbelief. "Wait, you mean... he's been killing people?"

Sakura's voice held a mixture of concern and confusion. "But why? Why would Sai do something like that?"

"There's more. Look inside. There's a picture of Sasuke.", the sensei said gravely...

Naruto's expression twisted with a mix of shock and anger. "Sasuke? What the hell does Sasuke have to do with this?"

Sakura's voice trembled, "Sai's mission was to kill Sasuke?"

"Danzō's orders were to protect the village. He sees Sasuke as a threat, potentially becoming Orochimaru's host."

Naruto's voice held defiance. "No way! Sai wouldn't kill Sasuke!"

"I'm sure its a misunderstanding Naruto... till then I suppose we shall act normally", Yamato said...

With determination igniting their eyes, the trio set out on a mission to uncover Sai's true intentions and, hopefully, find sasuke...


They reached Orochimaru's hideout...they stared at the huge doors and dimly lit hallways...

Naruto broke the tension...speaking in whispers to avoid detection..."We should spilt up, we'll call each other if we find s-sasuke-san..."

"Yes...lets all choose a direction...Naruto will go North...I'll go East, Sakura can go in South...keep looking...try to find Sai too."


"S-sasuke...", Sakura came to a stop for searching Sai when she saw her previous...love...standing right infront of her eyes...the one she hated with all her guts now...

'Now is the time...I can get my Naru all for MYSELF', she smirks slightly

"What are you doing here, Sakura?", the raven enquired

"What is the use speaking to you when you won't even listen..."
A tear slides down her face, but sasuke remained unaffected by it...his heart has now turned incapable to be effected by such emotions...

"You've left the village, turned rouge and must have murdered innumerable people!"


"I can't believe I ever used to like you", she said, her voice laced with regret..
Sakura moves in slowly, each step with precision to make it seductive...
The raven however stands still...still unaffected...

She reaches him...standing on her tiptoes to reach his ear, she caresses his face...amd whisperes seductively, " I couldn't ever stop you before...but this time I won't let you take away all of Naruto's love~"

"He loves you even more than himself...and with the ways you treat him...its soooo unfair~"

Sasuke continues to stand still...this face covered with a mask to hide his emotions

She slowly came in front of him...and molded her lips on his...kissing him gently...while pulling out a kunai...and raising it to stab his heart from the back

Someone to call a family + You're not alone anymoreTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang