
245 12 1

(Warning: abuse in this chapter)


Three young Genin stood in front of the Hokage, listening to his short explanation. They were the only three that were promoted to Chunin.

Shikamaru was promoted because he was good with planning out everything before he actually did it. He could have easily won against Temari, but instead decided to forfeit. Shino was able to stay clam in even the toughest situations. Naruto was a skilled and cautious fighter. He fought with reason and thought of others.

"Ah, my parents will want to have a party, how troublesome. I shouldn't even tell them." Shikamaru sighed. All he wanted to do was to go home and relax. However, he knew that, if his parents are to find out about his promotion to the Chunin rank, they'd make a huge deal out of it, and that's not what Shikamaru wanted.

"I've already told your family, as well as yours, Shino, and Naruto, I told Sasuke, Kakashi, and Sakura. Kakashi was proud, and Sakura was excited. They'll be meeting you at Yaniku Q directly after this, to celebrate." 3rd Hokage explained.

"Wha...what about Sasuke?" Naruto asked. He hoped that Sasuke was happy for him too."You three are dismissed now. I would like you to prepare yourselves. Your missions will be a lot more difficult now." He warned them. He was so proud of all of them, especially Naruto. The blond had progressed so much for such a young age. He didn't exactly have it easy growing up, either.

The small group left after the 3rd Hokage had dismissed them. He was worried about Naruto. He would never forget the angry look upon Sasuke's face when he had told team seven that Naruto was promoted to a Chunin. He couldn't even attempt to explain how angry Sasuke looked. However, he knew Naruto would be okay. He was always okay. He was strong, tough, and for that, he was extremely grateful.


"Naruto, over here!" Sakura called out. She stood up and waved her hand a few times, beckoning Naruto over to sit with her, Kakashi, and Sasuke.

Around the table, there was food that they had been placed on the table a few moments earlier (So everything would be ready for Naruto when he showed up) as well as two presents.

One from Sakura and one from Kakashi.

There was nothing from Sasuke, but Naruto wasn't surprised.

"Hi Kakashi-sensei, Sakura-chan, Sasuke-san." He replied cheerfully as he took a seat next to Sasuke, eying the delicious food.

"Oh Naruto-chan! I'm so happy for you!" She said, hugging him tightly. Kakashi pat him on the head gently, a form of congratulations, while Sasuke simply glared at him.


Shino, Kiba, and Kurenai stood around the bed that their teammate was currently laying in. They were all trying to be strong for her, but it was difficult. Her fight with Sasuke had damaged many of her internal organs. It also blocked off many of her chakra paths.

However, the worst of it was the chidori to her spine, because it left her paralyzed from the waist down. She wouldn't be able to be a ninja anymore. Of course, there was always a chance for her to regain the feeling in her legs, but it was very slim.

No one had told her yet, because everyone was too crushed to do it. Her father wasn't disappointed. Her younger sister, Hanabi was already stronger than she was, so now she would be the heir of the family. In fact, it was almost as if this was what he wanted. Everyone thought it would be best if he were to be the one to break the news to her.

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