oh my god.

that's the fanciest most expensive restaurant in Hogsmead.

"are you actually taking me there?" i asked in disbelief

"of course, you deserve the best darling" he chuckled

i leant over and kissed his cheek as he walked me down to the carriages.

he held his hand out and helped me inside.

he sat across from me and the carriage took off.

damn he looked hot tonight.

he had on a pair of black trousers and a black shirt but the shirt was unbuttoned a little and my god it was hot.

"so why did you decide on a spontaneous date?" i asked

"we have 1 month until our task and we deserve something nice before it happens" he replied

"fair enough" i said as the carriage pulled up outside the restaurant.

he helped me down and clasped my hand as we went inside.

we were seated next to the window at a table with 2 candles and a red rose as decoration.

He pulled my chair out for me before i sat down.

who was this gentleman version of Draco.

it was hot.

"this place is so fancy" i said looking around

"only the best for you" Draco replied

the waiter came over to get our drinks.

i ordered a cocktail and draco got a fire whiskey.

when the waiter dared ask us for id draco thought the solution would be to use the imperious curse.

"draco! you can't use that spell out in the open!" i whispered

"why not he would've denied my sweetheart the drink she wanted" he chuckled

hearing him call me sweetheart sent flames immediately to my cheeks.

the waiter came back with our drinks and to take our food orders.

Draco ordered a chargrilled steak whilst i got the mascarpone pasta.

i took a sip of my cocktail which was way nicer than i expected.

"that's amazing" i exclaimed taking another sip.

" i better try it then" he said taking my straw.

he made a face almost immediately.

"way too fruity" he said washing the taste out with his fire whiskey

"more for me" i shrugged

"where do you see yourself in 10 years?"Draco asked

i didn't expect him to ask any questions but i still answered.

"with you i hope. why?" i asked

"i want to get an idea of what you want in life to see if we want the same things" he replied

"fair enough, my go to ask a question then" i said

"do you ever want children?" i asked

"yes somewhere in the future, how about you?" he asked

"i guess children would be nice when the time is right" i replied

"what would you want, a boy? a girl?" he asked

"if i could choose id go with an older boy and a younger girl" i replied

"i like that idea" he said

"what about marriage? do you ever want a wedding?" i asked

"absolutely, why do you think i gave you that promise ring and said i'm going to marry you one day" he answered

"good point" i replied

"well what sort of wedding? big? small?" i added

"i honestly don't mind as long as it's you i'm marrying, otherwise i don't want one" he chuckled

i blushed as the waiter brought our foods over.

we thanked him and tucked in.

once we were finished we were too full for dessert and decided to leave.

"my god i'm so full!" i exclaimed once we were outside

"but i enjoyed every moment, thank you" i said hugging Draco and kissing him.

"it seems as if we've missed all the carriages
back, guess we're walking" he said


we began walking hand in hand and 5 minutes in my feet were killing me.

"gime a sec" i i said to draco as i sat down on a random wall.

"my feet are killing me" i said taking my heels off.

i held them in my hand and got back up.

"much better" i said

he eyed me weirdly.

"not much better sit back down" he demanded

i was confused but sat back down.

he sat next to me and slid his own shoes of and put them on me.

he tightened the laces so they would stay on.

he was now in his socks.

"now you have no shoes" i said

"i'd rather me have no shoes on than you darling" he said taking my hand and getting me back off the wall.

we began walking again and he took my heels off me to hold for me.

i can't believe he just took his shoes off and gave me his because my heels were hurting me.

princess treatment fr.

Dark daughter ; Draco x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now