Chapter 85

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 Chris pov...

"Okay girls... Say goodbye to mommy and Oliver. You still have to stay a few more nights at grandma's" I say smiling hugging them... Neve had given birth 2 days ago to a little boy named Oliver. The girls had been staying with my mom as we had moved to Boston. They really wanted to meet their little brother and so we gave in to a quick visit. But Neve had a difficult birth. Our boy did not make it easy on her. She was exhausted and still recovering, and ma was happy to take the girls for a few days.

After finding out Neve was pregnant again everything went incredibly fast. We found a house in Boston and not wanting to move late into the pregnancy we moved quickly. We could have moved into my old place here, but it was not really what we wanted and so i sold my old place and we bought something together. Saying goodbye to our home and friends was bittersweet but we were also excited for a fresh start.  The girls were so excited to pick and decorate their new rooms. 

I smile watching the girls say goodbye to Neve who is laying in our bed smiling even though she is tired. Ma gives Neve a hug before she walks over to me. She hugs me and then takes the girls to her house down the street... Yes... Down the street we bought a house near my mother. Near my family and i couldn't be happier. 

After everyone had left i sit down on the bed next to Neve and kiss the top of her head. "I love you..." I whisper and Neve sighs... "Love you to..." She says and closes her eyes... "But we are done... This is the last one... He broke my vagina..." She mumbles and i chuckle... "Okay we are done... No more..." I say and she giggles... "Time for a vasectomy..." She says and i groan... 

"Really... You are going to protest... I just pushed a watermelon out of my..." She starts to say and i put my hand on her cheek and kiss her cutting her off... "You are right... Vasectomy it is..." I say swallowing hard... She smirks into the kiss and Oliver starts to fuss... 

"Okay... Time for everyone to take a nap..." I say and take Oliver from her... She yawns and i chuckle as i get Oliver to fall asleep before i put him in the bassinet next to the bed... I smile as i look back at Neve who is already asleep totally exhausted... I slide in next to her and pull her in my arms closing my eyes and soon i am out to...


"Mooooom it is not fair..." Sade says pouting as i walk in and i see Neve sigh... "Why dont i get to bring a date to dad's premier..." She says pouting and i groan... Sade is 16 now and i had hoped that boys were not on the radar yet but yesterday i found out she had a boyfriend. I tried to keep a straight face and not let it show to her that i was internally screaming... She was growing up way to fast... She was driving and just looked so grown up. They are all growing up to fast...

"I am not bringing a date..." Riley said and Sade rolled her eyes... "You are 13... You dont have a boyfriend..." Sade says annoyed... "I have friends who are boys though..." She says and i bite my tongue... Neve looks at me and she starts to laugh, and the girls look at her confused... "Okay that is enough... You dont get to bring your boyfriend and that is it... We are going as a family and maybe if you are still dating him at the next premier... Well, we will talk about it then... But for now, this conversation is closed because your dad is about to have a heart attack..." Neve says winking at me... 

"Fine..." Sade says giving up knowing that we won't budge on this. "Mom can i wear this?" We hear and look up to Oliver walking in and all of us start to laugh... "Buddy that is your Halloween costume from last year..." Neve says pinching the bridge of her nose and i can't help but laugh as i look at Oliver in his blow-up Dinosaur costume... "Yeah but i look badass in this..." He says and lets out a growl... I start to laugh even harder. 

"Badass?" I ask curious were he picked that up... "Yeah uncle Seb and Uncle Mackie said so..." He says and Neve groans... "Uncle Mackie and Uncle Seb are dead men..." She mumbles and the girls laugh... 

"Okay i had enough... Chris go help your son pick out something less.... Badass..." Neve says and i smirk... "Girls with me... I will help you with hair and makeup... We have 3 hours until the car gets here and i would like to get ready myself to... Oh and once you are dressed only water and no chocolate and such..." She says and i smile watching her. She is so sexy when she takes control... She gives me a look and i know that we better do as she says...

"Okaaaay lets go buddy..." I say and shove Oliver out in front of me to his room... "But daaaaad i want to wear this..." He whines and i chuckle... "No bud you can't..." I say and i look in his closet and pick out something i know Neve will approve of. 

When i finally have him in a different outfit and behind his game computer so he won't dirty his clothes, i go to get change myself. I smile as i hear Neve and the girls giggle in Sade's room. 

"Why are they taking so long..." Oliver sighed as we were waiting on the couch in the living room... I chuckled... "Get used to it bud..." I say and he groans... "Girls are weird..." He mumbles and i chuckle again. I wonder how long that will last... Sometimes i wish i could stop time... Stop them from growing up... We hear noises and i look up and smile as my girls walk out all dressed up in their beautiful dresses... 

"Ladies..." I say standing up... "You look beautiful..." I say and they both smile back at me... "Mom says she will be right out..." Sade says and i nod... As i look at all my kids i wish again i could stop time... God i am becoming an old man... I hear heels clicking to our hardwood floors and look up... I swallow hard as Neve looks absolutely stunning... "Dad you might want to close your mouth..." Sade whispers and i clear my throat... Where i am turning into an old man she has never looked more beautiful. 

I walk over to her and kiss her under loud protest of our kids and we both smile... "You look gorgeous love..." I whisper and she fixes my tie... "You look handsome... Are you ready for your last Marvel premier...?" She whispers and i nod and kiss her again... "You two are not going to do that in front of the camera's right?" Sade asks and i chuckle... "No promises sweetheart..." I mumble never taking my eyes of Neve who blushes. 

Then the doorbell rings and i take a deep breath... "Okay everyone gets to the car and when we get to the premier stay close to me and your dad... No running off... Oliver..." She says giving him a look and Oliver nods... 

I smile as i take Neve's hand and we follow the kids to the car... I am closing one chapter of my life and i am excited to be home more... With what is most important to me... My family...

*** The End ***

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