Chapter 64

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"Oh, this is so exciting... I am so excited that you let me be part of this..." Dotty said all giddy as we were waiting our turn... I chuckled as she kept rambling... I was thankful for the distraction... I was home for about a week now and i was happy to be home again... I was happy that life had calmed down again and i could just focus on the baby. I hadn't called Chris back... I just couldn't... I was done... I was really done... His behavior was giving me whiplash and i just couldn't deal with the stress right now... 

The house was coming along great...  They were done with all the construction and were now installing the kitchen and bathrooms... I had picked out the kitchen and the bathrooms and i couldn't wait for it to be ready... I was so excited... After that the only thing that needed to be done was paint and put in floors... I was feeling kind of happy i didn't have to do it all myself as it was getting harder to move around comfortable... Charlie assured me that all i had to do was pick out colors, floors and furniture... He and his crew would do all the heavy lifting...

Charlie and his wife had become good friends. He and his wife were amazing. His wife and i had a few lunches and really got along and although i absolutely adored Dotty... It was nice to have someone my own age to talk to... 

"Ms. Kent..." I heard and looked up to see the doctor and Dotty and i followed him into his office... We sat down and he asked how i was doing asked some questions... We talked for a bit until it was time for my examination... I laid down on the table and after he was done it was time for the exciting bit... 

"So what do you think you are having...?" The doctor asked smiling... "To be honest i have no idea... I heard of women who just feel what they are having but i have no clue..." I say wondering if that was normal... "Is that normal...?" I ask and the doctor smiled... "Of course... You can never know for sure what you are having..." He said smiling and i nodded... "It doesn't make you a bad mother sweetheart..." Dotty said taking my hand and i could feel tears coming... "Sorry... Hormones..." I mumble and Dotty and the doctor chuckled... They gave me a second to pull myself together before he put the jelly on my belly and start the ultrasound...

I was holding my breath squeezing Dotty's hand tight who looked just as nervous and excited as me... "Well... It is my honor to tell you... You are having a girl..." The doctor said pointing out my baby... "A girl...?" I said with tears in my eyes, and he nodded... "Congratulations it's a girl..." He said and the tears start to come... I was having a little girl... "A little girl sweetheart..." Dotty said and when i looked at her she had also tears in her eyes and we both started to chuckle...

After the doctor had given me the print outs we left and took an early lunch all excited talking about the fact that i was having a little girl... After lunch Dotty drove us to all these furniture stores and i felt like a kid in the candy store... I needed everything as i didnt bring any furniture from New York... I wanted to start new... We had an amazing afternoon and after i had picked almost everything out Dotty took me to this massive baby store... My body was buzzing looking at all the little clothes... It was all so cute and yet so overwhelming... I picked out a nursery absolutely falling in love with it from the moment i saw it... I bought little clothes and bottles, binky's and everything else i could think off... 

After a full day of shopping i was exhausted... We made a stop at the diner as i was hungry and willing to kill for a banana milkshake... I had parked my own car there as Dotty and i had met up here and drove to the doctor together in her car... Charlie and his wife joined us, and we were having fun and laughing... I just told them it was a girl and had no intention on hiding it... They congratulated me and after we had finished our dinner i said goodbye... I stopped by the house to see the progress because to my surprise Charlie had told me that in about 2 weeks it would be done... I had thanked him for working so hard and i was planning on giving him a nice bonus... He had certainly deserved it... 

I walk around the house and smile as the kitchen is already done so is one of the bathrooms... So still one bathroom to go and then painting and floors... The outside of the house could be done while i had moved in already... I made a mental not to ask Charlie if he knew anyone who could do my yard but it had no priority right now... The house first... 

When i was back at the little house and had taken a bath i installed myself on the couch with the baby book i had bought... But i started to daydream of a life with me and my little girl... I was rubbing my belly smiling talking to her about how much i loved her... How i knew she was going to love life here... That i was sorry that she didn't have a dad but that i was going to do my best to be both... 

My phone started to ring... Like it had done every night... I look at the screen and i smile as it is my mother... I answer the phone and we talk for a long time... Longer than normal... I told her it is a girl, and she was over the moon... I told her that the house was almost done and before we hung up, she promised to come by as soon as i was settled in... I knew my mom would love it here... 

When i had said goodbye and hung up my phone dinged letting me know i had a voicemail... I sigh knowing who it is from... 

I listen to the voicemail and i sigh as it is the same as all the others... I needed him to stop... So, i did what i had to do... I called him back to tell him to stop...

"Neve love!" Chris said answering the phone and i rolled my eyes... "Stop... I am only calling you to tell you to stop... I can't deal with this anymore... Just leave us alone... Why are you doing this... Why are you so intent on hurting me... Do you get a kick out of torturing me...? Do you want me to lose the baby due to the stress you are causing... Is that what this is about... Do you want me to lose the baby... Do you want to take that from me to..." I said sobbing as i had started to cry hearing his voice and all the pain came running back and he sighed... 

"No... I dont... I love you... I love our little baby... I am sorry i was stupid... But i am ready now... I just needed some time..." He said and i scoffed... "You needed time... You know what Chris all i hear is me me me me... You only think about yourself... You are ready now and we just have to jump for joy that you are... Well Chris... What kind of example would i set for our little girl if i did that..." I say and the line went quiet... "A girl... It is a girl... We are going to have a girl..." He said all emotional and i groaned... "I am having a girl... Leave us alone... I will call you when she is born... We can talk about how we will move on from there then... But for now, you need to leave us alone..." I whisper tired and emotional... "Please dont do this to me..." Chris whispered and i sighed... "You did this to yourself... Dont you dare put this on me..." I said before hanging up the phone... 

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