Chapter 41

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"What are you doing love...?" Chris asks his eyes dark his face tense... "Having a few drinks..." I say shrugging my shoulders and Chris steps closer... "Friend my ass..." I hear being mumbled by the bartender behind me... I roll my eyes and turn around to him... "Are you calling me a lair...? Go ahead... Ask him yourself..." I say to the bartender before turning back to Chris... "We are friends..." I say with venom in my voice looking him in the eyes... I take my drink and the beer i got for Seb and push passed Chris... "Neve!" He yells after me but ignore him swaying my hips a little more making my way to Seb... 

"Hey...." Seb says smiling as i hand him his beer... Seb introduces me to the people he was talking with and i smile shaking their hands... Scott joins us followed by Chris not much later... I can feel his nervous energy but i dont care... My mood has turned from sad and hurt into angry... The nerve of asking what i was doing... and the look on his face when i called him my friend pissed me off... The nerve of announcing to the world i was just his friend only to act fucking hurt when i repaid the favor to just some little bartender... 

"What is up with you?" Seb whispers in me ear and i shake my head a little saying without words i dont want to get into it right now... He looks at me funny but lets it go... "Neve can i talk to you for a second..." Chris asks and i sigh... "No... Friend... I dont want to talk right now..." I say and Seb and Scott look at me their eyes wide as i am never this assertive in company of other people...

"So how did you all enjoy your opening night?" I ask and the people smile and talk about their feelings about their first night on stage... I smile as Scott talks about how he felt like throwing up right before he had to go up... "Well, it didn't show you were amazing..." I say smiling... "Seb... Scott... If you will excuse me i will go and get me another drink..." I say and walk off... "What the fuck did you do...?" I hear Seb and Scott ask Chris as i walk off... 

I sigh and walk to the bar to order another gin and tonic the bartender no longer being over friendly and i sigh... All of a sudden i feel my arm being grabbed and Chris pulls me away and out of the room... As soon as we are alone, he pushes my against the wall and cups my face leaning in but hesitating... "What?! To scared someone will see..." I hiss and his eyes turn even darker, and he slams his lips on mine in a hungry and passionate kiss... For a moment i go with it... Pouring all me pent up frustration into the kiss... But after a few seconds my anger comes back and i push him off of me... "Stop it!" I hiss... 

"Love..." He starts to say but i cut him off... "Stop with the love bullshit... Friend!" I hiss with venom in my voice... Feeling braver due to the alcohol running through my veins... "Why dont you go and find you precious reporter... She seemed more than willing to entertain you since you single and all..." I say getting in his face poking him in his chest... 

"You're jealous..." He says with a grin on his face and i feel my blood starting to boil... "I am not jealous... I am angry... I am pissed off my... Friend..." I say breathing heavy as my blood starts to boil again... I go to poke him, but he grabs my hand putting it above my head pinning me to the wall again... "Stop saying friend..." He growls hovering his lips over mine... "Why...? That is what we are right..." I growl not backing down... 

"Love..." He growls grabbing my face with his free hand making me look at him... "Stop..." I start to say but he shuts me up kissing me again... It is a rough kiss a hungry one... One filled with pent up frustration and lust from both sides... I try to fight it but i finally give in... "I am so..." He starts to murmur into the kiss... "Shut up!" I growl pulling him in having him kiss me again... 

"I love it when you tell me to shut up... Fuck i love you..." He growls and i moan as he kisses me again... "Proof it..." I growl back at him, and he groans starting to pull my dress up while i unbutton his pants making it drop around his ankles... I put my hand around his shaft, and he groans and drops his head in my neck... "Fuck you are going to get me in so much trouble one day..." He growls before he hoists one of my legs on his hips and i release his dick and grab his arms holding on because i know it is going to be rough but i dont care i need this... 

My need for him is stronger than my anger right now... My pussy is dripping wet... I groan as he lines himself up and slams into me hard giving me no time to adjust... His thrusts are short, deep and hard... "You're mine..." He growls but i dont react i just moan as he keeps thrusting into me... The frustration fading as it makes way for pleasure... "You're mine love..." He growls again thrusting into me deeper making me whimper... "Say it..." He growls but i refuse the little anger left inside of me not wanting to... I want to punish him... To not give him what he wants...

"Shut up..." I moan and he grins in my neck sucking on my skin marking me... "You dont... have to love... I know... you are mine... Even when... you are angry... You are mine... My mark... on you proofs... that..." He says between thrusts bringing me higher and higher bringing us both on the edge... "Chris..." I whine and i can feel him smirk... "Let go love..." He whispers in my ear, and i give in letting my body take over... It feels like fireworks going off all through my body... "Chris fuck..."  I moan as my body shakes...

"Fuck... Neve feels so good..." Chris growls his body jerking a few times as he fills me up his cum coating my walls and i cry out and he quickly kisses me again to shut me up... He pulls out of me and releases my leg and i pull my dress down again as he pulls his pants up... 

He grins at me and wants to lean in for a kiss but i put my hand over his face stopping him... "I am still mad" I say and walk back into the party leaving him alone in the hallway... At least a little bit of my frustration is gone... 

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