Chapter 34

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"Delivery for Neve Kent..." A man says after i opened the door... I look at the roses and am totally baffled... "For me?" I ask and the man rolls his eyes... "Are you Neve Kent?" He asks and i nod... "Well then yes..." He says handing me the roses making me cut myself at one of the thorns and i groan... The man leaves... I walk into the kitchen were Chris and Seb are sitting sipping their coffee... 

They both look up and i put the flowers down and first get a band aid for my cut... "Who sends you roses?" Chris asks a little hint of jealousy in his voice... "They are not from you?" I ask and he shakes his head... "Then i have no idea..." I mutter and look for a card... "I groan again when i open it and read who they are from... "For fucks sake..." I mumble letting out an annoyed sigh...

"Sorry for how i acted... But i was really hurt... I really think we are meant to be together please give me another chance...  Josh"

I sigh take the flowers and open the trash can and throw the flowers away... I have no desire to display them in my home... "Who are they from...?" Seb asks as they both look at me eagerly waiting for me to tell... "No one important or relevant..." I mumble and Chris stands up and before i can react takes the card out of my hand as i was about to throw it away... 

"Is this guy serious?" Chris asks his tone annoyed me and hands the card to Seb... "How should i know? Besides it doesn't matter... He can go to hell for all i care..." I say rolling my eyes and Chris sighs... "Sorry... It's just..." He says and i sigh... "Just what?" I ask and he looks down at the ground... "He doesn't want to lose you..." Seb says patting his back with a smirk on his face while walking to the trash can and throws the card away... "I'll give you guys a minute..." He says smirking... 

"No sex on the counter i am cooking tonight!" He yells as he walks off and i chuckle... "Are you going to call him...?" Chris asks his voice small and the look on his face sad with a hint of panic... "No... I am not going to call him..." I say letting out a sigh... "Chris i didn't ask for him to send me flowers... I have no desire to ever have contact with him again..." I say and Chris sighs and steps towards me and wraps his arms around me and i wrap my arms around his waist resting my head on his chest... "Sorry... Seb is right... I am scared you will leave me for someone with a more... Normal life..." He whispers and i look up at him... 

"Chris i have no illusion it is going to be easy and yes i am scared and it makes me anxious thinking about it but then you hold me... My mind quiets down and my body relaxes and nothing else matters..." I whisper blushing... Chris starts to smile and i smile back still blushing and he cups my face and i close my eyes leaning into his touch a little... I feel his soft lips on mine... "I love you Neve..." He whispers and my eyes fly open looking at him shocked... This was not the pet name... This was an actually i love you... "I love you to..." I whisper and Chris kisses me again...

"AAAAHW..." We hear and we turn to the sound and see Scott and Seb standing there grinning... Chris and i were totally caught up in our little moment that we didn't hear them enter the kitchen... I sigh and bury my head in Chris his chest... 

"Welcome back... Nice to see you are still alive..." Chris says to Scott as i just cling to Chris still basking in the thrill of him telling me he loves me... "Yeah whatever... What is going on here...?" Scott says smirking ignoring Chris his remark for having us worried for not letting know he was okay and staying away for two nights. "Nothing is going on..." Chris says and Seb scoffs... "Other than that idiot sending Neve flowers asking for another chance..." Seb says and i groan... 

"Can we just let it go... He is not getting a second chance he was way out of line... He knows i am with Chris so i dont know what he was thinking... Besides i dont even like roses..." I groan and Seb chuckles... "Pay attention Chris... Want to send her flowers... Tulips... Always tulips..." Seb says patting his back before making his way to the fridge... He had gone shopping this morning wanting to cook breakfast and dinners again... "Good to know..." He says smirking and i chuckle... 

"Staying for dinner?" Seb asks Scott and Scott nods smiling and just like that we switch to everyday things... I smile as the guys are joking but Chris never let's go of me pulling me into him his arm draped over my shoulder as we watch Seb cook us dinner... 

When dinner is almost ready i excuse myself and get freshened up in the bathroom i check my phone and see a text from Gina and i sigh wondering if i should read it... I open the message and shake my head... It is a whole rant about how she went out of her way to find a good man for me... At which i roll my eyes because the side of him when he did not get his way was not what i contributed to being a good man... 

She goes on and on that i could have the life she has and i realize the only reason she set me up with him is because she wanted me to be more like her... Gina was already married... She has 3 kids and is just 26 years old a stay-at-home mother which is my worst nightmare... The thought of no longer writing and only taking care of the house and kids... That is not for me... She married her husband at 20 and although i was happy for her i just didn't see myself getting married or having kids yet... In the future yes but not now...

I am 27 and there is still so much i want to do... Chris is 29 and hasn't talked about settling down yet and i think he is not ready for that either he is busy with his career... And i certainly dont want to settle down with Josh... The thought alone makes me sick... 

The end of the texts is saying that i should give him another chance... That i owe her that for setting me up and embarrassing her... That i should get over my little crush and that i can't possibly be serious about Chris that he is not the man i should be with and that it should know that a man like Chris will never choose me in the end...

I sigh and put the phone away not reacting to the message... I am so annoyed with her right now... I bet everything that she put him up to sending the roses... My least favorite flower... Here some flowers to make you bleed with their thorns... If she told him to send me those... Well then, she doesn't know me at all... 

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