Chapter 44

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I wake up and hear laughing coming from another part of the house... Chris is no longer in bed... I sit up and listen to hear a female voice and listen to see if i recognize it... I think it is Chris his mother so i quickly go to the bathroom to freshen myself up before walking out of the bedroom. I pause for a second looking at the spot i caught Chris and that girl... I scold myself for feeling cringe about it... We weren't even together so i have to get over it... I take a deep breath and follow the sound...

I find Chris in the kitchen with his mother, and he smiles when i appear in the doorway. His mother turns around and i smile feeling a bit shy all of a sudden... "Neve! Sweetheart... It is so nice to see you again..." She says smiling getting of her chair walking over to me pulling me into a hug... That makes me relax and i hug her back... "It is so nice to see you again to..." I say and i peak over her shoulder at Chris who has the biggest grin on his face... 

"How have you been?" She asks pulling out of the hug putting her hands on my face and i smile at the motherly gesture... "I am good Mrs..." I say blushing and she smiles cutting me off... "Lisa sweetheart... Just call me Lisa..." She says and i nod... "I am good Lisa..." I say smiling before turning to Chris... 

"Sorry i fell asleep..." I whisper and look at Chris, but he grins and shakes his head... "Oh nonsense... You must be exhausted dealing with both of my boys for months..." Lisa says smirking and i chuckle... 

"I hadn't seen my boy for so long that i just had to drop by to see him..." She says and i blush even more knowing he would normally spend more time with his mother when he was having time off... "I am sorry for keeping him from you for so long..." I whisper and she shakes her head... "Dont be sweetheart... As long as Chris is happy i am... Besides it is not healthy for a grown man to spend so much time with his mother..." She says winking at me and i chuckle and Chris rolls his eyes... 

"I was just sad i had to miss Scott his big opening night..." She says and we walk back to the table and sit down... "He was amazing..." I say smiling and she glows... "I have such talented kids..." She says and i smile and nod... "Okay that is enough gushing over us ma..." Chris says and i chuckle... Chris walks over putting a cup of coffee in front of me and i smile... 

"Dont talk to your mother like that... She is proud of you let her gush... It is sweet..." I say and Chris rolls his eyes while his mother and i both chuckle... "I will get the photo albums out when you come over i have so many great pictures of my kids..." She says and Chris groans and i giggle... 

"Count me in... I can't wait to see little Chris and little Scott..." I say smirking at Chris who groans even harder as his mother and i laugh... "Oh, i have so many cute and great pictures..." Lisa says smiling...  "Why did i bring you here again?" He says looking at me and i smirk... "For me to go through the family photo albums with your mother..." I say smirking and he lets out a sigh hanging his head shaking it but i can see he is losing the battle to not smile... 

"No... No that was not it..." He says smirking and i roll my eyes... "Than what was it Chris...?" Lisa says smirking at him, and he turns bright red and i laugh hard... "Busted..." I mumble and he grins... "Okay you two... Stop ganging up on me..." He says and Lisa and i look at each other bursting out laughing... "Why? It is so much fun..." I say smirking when Lisa and i calmed down and Chris looks at me his eyes going dark... "Can we go over to your place now?  Chris his reaction makes it that i can't wait to see it..." I say and Lisa laughs harder at the horrified look on Chris his face as he looks at me... 

"I dont think i like this..." He says pointing between me and his mother and i smirk looking at him as i take a sip of my coffee... "Had i told you i like her..." Lisa says smirking at Chris and i blush... Chris just nods smirking back and i blush even more... "If Chris ever does something foolish again just tell me and i will knock some sense into him..." She says looking at me and i look at her shocked and she chuckles... "Or if you want to talk about anything, just call me..." She says giving me a piece of paper with her number on it and i look at her stunned taking it from her... "Thank you..." I whisper and she smiles... "Of course, sweetheart... Chris his life can be complicated... I just want you to know we got your back when it gets tough..." She says her face now serious and i nod thanking her again touched by her caring... "I will..." I whisper and Lisa and Chris both smile... 

"Okay time for me to go and give you kids some privacy..." She says smiling standing up and i put my cup of coffee down standing up and hugging her... "Thank you..." I whisper again and she smiles at me when we break the hug... "No... thank you..." She whispers with a sweet smile on her face and i blush... "I will see you guys tomorrow for dinner..." She says as she hugs Chris and i chuckle as Chris rolls his eyes... "Yes, dinner tomorrow..." He says and i have to bite my lip to not laugh as he puts emphasis on the word dinner... 

"Walk me out?" Lisa asks Chris and he nods and winks at me as i watch them disappear towards the front door... I sigh and sit down again with a grin on my face taking my coffee taking another sip... 

A few minutes later i feel Chris standing behind me and i look up smirking at him... He leans down and kisses me and i smile into the kiss... "Did you have a good nap?" He asks and i nod... "Are you well rested?" He says and i nod again... "Good..." He says gently taking the cup of coffee out of my hand putting it down before walking around me and lifting me out the chair making me squeal and giggle as he throws my of her shoulder swatting my behind as he carries me to the bedroom... 

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