Her Validation (part 1)

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******* YIHWA'S POV *******

"Yes, you guys heard it right. I don't really plan to punish those who are eliminated. I just tricked you guys so you will try to play harder." I honestly confessed but of course leaving out my main goal as to why I decided to interrupt their event.
I initially just wanted to pry and tease Win in order to gather more facts as Dean doesn't want to give too much details and my curiosity got the better of me.
Well technically, it's not just simply curiosity as I just really wanted to see with my own eyes if the old soft-hearted Winnie is back.
I want to know if our dearest Winnie is not being taken advantage of... again.
Yes we appear to frequently fight and bicker a lot but I really love him so much and I can't help not to always worry about him.
For me he will always be that someone who's just too good for this cruel world.
"I'm so sorry guys..." I apologized as I smiled a little because I feel somehow guilty for being annoying.
"My real target is only to give the winning pair a mission to do. Do you guys have any suggestions?" I asked although I already have a simple mission in mind.
It's funny that no one dared to suggest anything but I know I can't blame them. I bet they just didn't want to mess with their cranky Vice President. He's always the scariest senior to those who are not close to him. they just didn't know that it was just his facade.
Technically speaking, it's a fact that he is always hot headed mainly when he is directly being teased and he appears cold hearted on the outside or rather he always tries to maintain that image but he wasn't really like that at all.
He is in fact a softie. He is so damn sensitive. He is someone that feels deeply hurt if the person he values was hurt. He cries a lot but he never lets it be shown by the others, even his parents and siblings, or even to me. He always hides his weakness to all of us and I think he is like that majorly because he was forced to be tough as both of his siblings were male and him being the middle child.
"Aww~ I am open to any suggestions guys. Come on, don't be shy." I tried to encourage them and even stared at the junior who had been trying to tease Win earlier.
"Mon, come on. Talk and be our representative." one junior said.
"No - no - no! I'm afraid of Phi Win." the junior called Mon responded.
"Meung~ you were acting so brave earlier..." Dean teased the obviously nervous junior.
"That's because I thought Phi Win would not be able to recognize my voice. Hehe." he confessed and slightly laughed awkwardly.
"Look~ Phi Win is already trying to kill me with his glare." he added and everyone did notice that Win was really staring fiercely at him.
"Win, it's just a game. Don't scare the kids." I simply stated and Win's intense stare was then shifted to me.
Hahaha.. He looks so funny trying to act like he is so damn mad..
"How about you.." I pointed at the other talkative guy earlier, named Pond, if I remember it correctly.
"Do you have any suggestions?" I asked.
"Sorry, Phi. I can't do it with Team. I can't betray my dear friend." he exaggeratedly responded and the majority just laughed because of his crazy acting but I noticed how Win appeared to be bothered as he kept staring at Team.
"So, are you guys saying that the senior is scary while the junior is lovely, is that it?" I jokingly asked while still looking at Win and waited for him to show some reaction.
I wasn't disappointed because I soon noticed he heaved out a sigh as he looked away from his nong.
There really is something going on between them but it's clear also that they don't want the others to know it...
"Actually, Team is nowhere near being called lovely. He is just an annoying kid." Prukk rebutted and I caught Win giving him a quick side-eye.
"Aww~ Phi Pruk..." Team softly whined.
"What!? It's the truth, you can ask the others as well." he immediately cut him off and the nong just pouted as he was left speechless.
It is so clear to me now that this kid is cute despite his figure that can never be associated with cuteness..
"Don't worry Team, even though you are annoying, you are still cute." Pond tried to defend him but at the same time also teased him.
"I got you, Friend~" he proudly continued and Team smiled at him.
"Can't you just give us the dare already so we can immediately get it all done?!" annoyed Win suddenly interrupted, which I believe is a sign that he doesn't like how close the two juniors are that they obviously appear to be comfortable with each other.

"So impatient~" I responded as I rolled my eyes to tease him more.
"Fine, the dare is just a simple task... You both just have to swim!" I declared which made the others scream as they found it funny but it was just a joke because I noticed how firmly Win tried to avoid them to get into the water and I just wanted to know the real reason behind it.
"Oi, Hwa!! I told you already it's not allowed!" Win loudly disagreed and everyone seemed to tense as his facial expression became obvious that he is mad.
"Give me a valid reason why it's not allowed then?" I intriguingly asked.
"The water's too cold now." he reasoned out while staring straight at me with his controlled expression.
It's funny that he thinks his poker face can convince me..
"Bullshit! As if I didn't know that you enjoy swimming in the cold..." I invalidated his reason and glared back at him to let him know that I will not back off.
A few seconds passed, he heaved out a sigh.
"Fine then, I'll do it for the two of us." he bravely and firmly declared.
"And why would I let it just be you?!" I asked instead as the answer I want to hear is still not given.
"Just simply spare, Team. No explanation needed." he answered with a very serious tone, sending chills to the others who were not used to seeing him this serious.
"I won't let you be punished alone, Win. It's not fair." I replied as I tried to act as calm as I could.
"I-it's o-okay, Phi. I'll do it." Team stutteringly interrupted us.
"NO!" Win firmly refused.
It was evident that Team got startled as he sounded furious.
"S-sorry... I won't let you." Win apologetically said.
"I can do it, Hia..." Team softly said and it's obvious that he is nervous.
"Nothing can change my mind, I still won't let you." Win declared firmly but with a somehow gentler manner.
He really cares for this Nong and he even prioritizes his feelings over his own emotions.
"I'm with Win, I also won't let you do it." Dean defended him that it made it more obvious that there really is a big reason behind Win's disapproval.
"Team, you are still not okay so you should not do it." Pond also joined in to protect him.
Team was about to reason out again but was interrupted by Pruk.
"Hwa, we can't let anything happen to Team, he was not feeling well earlier so we really can't let him do it." Pruk explained.
"Okay fine~ I'll change the dare." I gave up as I already got the answer I wanted.
Protective Win is definitely back...
"Is there anything else not allowed, Mr. Overprotective Vice President?" I teasingly asked Win and he immediately glared at me again.
"Stop it already, Hwa. Don't annoy Win too much and besides Team is also one of our top swimmers so he is really precious to our club." Pruk rebutted instead.
"Aww Nong Team, you are lucky you have so many guardian angels." I tried to tease Team but I felt guilty when I sensed how he became too uncomfortable with my joke.
"I can do it.. I am really okay now." Team still tried to defend himself which made me think that he doesn't like to look like he needed to be protected.
I saw Win place his hand over Team's shoulder.
"Don't... please." Win softly told him and Team just looked at him, was obviously out of words.
It was as if the two were talking through their eyes and everyone else around them no longer mattered.
Wow... I'm amazed.. I can tell that they already have an exceptionally deep connection..
"Okay okay, I get it already. I know now what I will ask you both to do." I declared to interrupt them and immediately got their attention.
"The mission is just simple, you both have to go with me to buy drinks..." I stated.
"H-huh?? Just that Phi?" Mon disappointedly uttered.
"Chill~ of course it's not that simple." I responded with a big smile.
"The condition is they have to carry each other on their back alternately and ask 3 random people to take their picture... of course the twist is they must pretend to be a couple." I proudly declared and it was so fun to watch the junior's reaction, who I can just guess thought that I am Win's special someone.
"Damn! You're so childish." Annoyed Win interrupted.
"Well, it's not like I am denying it.. I don't care what you think but since you are so annoying, I decided to add more conditions. I will be there to record how you guys will fulfill the mission and if you fail, there will be a consequence." I announced.
"Shit!" I heard Win cursed softly.
"What's the consequence, Phi?" Mon asked.
I can tell that Win is bothered not because of what I asked them to do but because he is too worried about his Nong.
"They will have to kiss in front of all of us and I will upload their video carrying each other ." I answered but honestly it was just a joke as I wanted to see more of Win's reaction but he just simply cursed again and nothing else.
"Shall we do it now since there is no violent reaction?" I teasingly asked as I saw them whispering something to each other.
"Come on guys~ Let's go buy drinks so we can continue the fun!" I happily declared and the others also seemed thrilled hearing about alcohol.
"Meung.. Drinks are on you since you made fun of us." Win retorted back.
"Err, fine~" I replied.
"Don't buy too much. We are not here to get drunk so just get a bottle or two each." Dean firmly instructed and the others obviously seemed disappointed.
"Guys, come on. It's better than nothing, right?" Pruk asked them obviously just trying to interrupt Dean as we both know that he is such a mood killer that he might really stop me from buying alcohol.
"Let's go now, WinTeam couple." I got back to teasing the two and Win's eyes instantly shifted from being gentle to fierce as he looked at me.
They were both hesitating but Win still took the initiative and offered to piggy back Team.
"No Hia. Let me be the one to do the carrying." Team shyly said but Win disagreed as he again mentioned that he was sick earlier so he had no choice but to hop on Win's back.
"Let's go." Win said as soon as Team settled on his back.
"Let me remind you, you cannot put him down on our way to the store or you will instantly fail the mission." I told Win or rather annoyed him some more.
"What do you think of me?! You think I can't carry Team for long?" Win annoyedly retorted back.
"I am just simply reminding you, okay." I responded shortly before we went our way to walk towards the store.
"I am not weak and Team is not even heavy for me." Win reasoned out.
"Err, whatever~" I said as I rolled my eyes.
I let them walk in front of me so I can record them.
"Sorry Hia, I'm heavy." Team said almost like a whisper.
"No, you're not." Win replied.
"Stop pretending, Hia. I know you are struggling." Team answered back.
"I swear I am not but it will be more helpful if you lean more towards me instead just like what you did earlier so your weight can be directly pressed on my back. It will be easier to move around." Win explained and I think I know what happened earlier.
A staff told me that he saw Win worriedly running towards the beach. It seemed like there was a little commotion and I can just guess that it might be related to Team and that's also the reason why everyone seemed to be protective of him earlier.
We were almost at the store when I saw a couple sitting at the bench so I reminded them about their other mission.
Win still doesn't seem bothered but Team is obviously uncomfortable.
"Let's ask them, Team?" Win softly asked and Team was not able to answer.
Is he really that scared?
Is he scared to let the others think that they are gay?
Or he really is just not comfortable with strangers?
"Are you okay?" Win worriedly asked when Team and the nong just nodded in response.
I am bothered with his reactions, particularly imagining that he might not want to be called gay because it is so damn obvious that Win is too attached to him already. I don't want him to be hurt again.
I might have been too occupied worrying about Win that I was not able to notice that they had already walked far from me and the couple. I walked faster and noticed them whispering to each other but I still couldn't hear them.
As I got close to them, Win suddenly turned to face me.
"Hwa. please... Can't we just skip asking strangers for pictures? Just let us do another task that's not related to strangers?" Win softly asked, almost sounding like begging.
"It's just too awkward.." he continued almost like a whisper.
SHIT! I mentally cursed. This guy really thought I would believe that it's awkward for him to approach strangers when he is always assigned as an officer in all his classes and that he is always one of the spokesperson of every club or group he is in.
I didn't want to say a word as I wanted to see what else he could do to convince me but I was honestly amazed that his eyes were really pleadin at me. It was as if he was silently asking for my help.
"Please...?" he pleaded.
"What will you do for me instead then?" I asked.
"C-can't we just pay for the drinks, Phi?" Team nervously asked.
"Okay but not just the drinks, you have to buy snacks too." I declared and they both happily agreed.
As soon as we got in front of the store, I asked Win to put Team down so it would be easier for us to buy the things we needed inside the store.
Win went to order the drinks while Team and I went to pick the snacks.
I hope they'll forget their task to carry each other so I can tease them again. Yes, I am evil haha.
We went to the cashier as soon as we finished picking the snacks we wanted and I kept noticing Win throwing worried glances to Team.
Win, of course, with his gentleman nature, volunteered to pay for everything we bought.
I noticed him checking all the snacks as if looking for something in particular.

"Team, are you sure you're not getting Lays?" He suddenly asked.
"Y-yes, Hia." Nong shyly answered.
"Really? You're not using your chance to have your favorite snack for free?" Win teasingly asked.
"I didn't get one because I know you will scold me again for eating it. Are you happy now?" Team responded and acted like he's annoyed.
Team sure is cute like a kid when he pouts. He reminds me of Win's younger brother who likes being spoiled by his favorite Hia Win.
And I just noticed Team is calling him Hia too!!
"Err, fine. Today's an exception. Go get some Lays and I promise I will not say anything." Win softly said.
Well, it seems like this "Hia" indeed has a new favorite "Nong" to spoil.
"You will not scold me today but I am sure you will make me train harder during our training again and you will use my eating greasy and unhealthy food as your reason. I know you, Hia~" Team reasoned out.
They must have spent so much time together already because they sure seem to know a lot of each other's habits.
"I'll turn a blind eye today. It's a promise." Win responded calmly.
"Okay then.. hehe." Team laughed a little before running over to get his snacks.
He came back with three packs of Lays and smiled proudly at Win who genuinely smiled back at him, obviously showing how much he adores the Nong.
Oh how I miss that sweet smile!!


WORDS : 2931

Thank you for reading and appreciating my story despite not being active that much.

I've Never Been This Closeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें