The Beautiful Day - Part 1

Start from the beginning

Qulti: This villain who has pure evil and Darkest soul of the who desires revenge and brings misery, Death and the bloodust of killing innocent lives along with her guards for a nightmare future.

Everyone: 😲😧

Zenitsu: W-Who?

Qulti: Her name is Queen Alitikuma...

Ariel: Wait, what?

Serena: Queen Alitikuma?

Rabbid Peach: Who is she?

Darkmess Anna: What is she has to do with this becoming a villain?

Qulti: She's the genocidal and delusional mad woman who loves to see the whole world burn including innocent lives and children too.

Everyone: Children?!

June: Why would she do that?!

Leo: We never do anything to her!

Qulti: Like I said, she's delusional and a mad woman before I tell her backstory just to let you know that she isn't the real queen.

Tanjiro: She isn't?

Numbuh 5: How come she isn't the real queen?

Qulti: You see, she told she wasn't a real queen or even born with a king and queen she's used to be a normal kid, or should I say, a very bad kid who lives picking people, destroy stuff and including dreaming to becoming a powerful Monarch who will destroy and conquer but the weirdest thing is that she meets my dad when they are younger and has a lustful crush on him.

Daphne: Wait, really?

Qulti: Yes. And it's very weird.

Hylanna: Oh. So that's why She isn't the real queen.

Qulti: When she is younger she has a lustful crush on Dad because she wants him to be her boyfriend, but suddenly, things twist for the worse when she sees that Roy is already relationship with Lucy, aka, my mother. She goes full horrid and bloodlust revenge of hatred began not even her parents knew what she was planning to do something more malicious.

Shimo Sakura: What is she planning?

Qulti; She's planning to rule the Nightfall Kingdom but she somehow got inside the castle without getting caught but when the king is not around she killed the queen by poisoned her and making it the blame of The King for the murder of his wife and the guards are so stupid that they didn't even realize that the King will never do such a thing to his wife, but it was too late. Alitikuma is so Happy evil of this is that makes even worse that they executed. The King of the Nightfull Kingdom by beheaded him and now Alitikuma is usurping the throne and becoming a New ruler of the Nightfall Kingdom and plus she even sentences her parents to death for putting her as a hero because all she ever do is follow the evil path to rule the world.

Numbuh 1: What? Are you kidding me?

Corey: No, he's not kidding.

Robin: No way.

Annie: That's sounds like a monster, a real, real monster comes out of the shell!

Qulti: Worse than the monster she's a demon of the fire realm and you know what she did to me?

Mario: What did she do to you?

Qulti move his bangs that covers his left eye that has a little scar on him and opens and has a white eye.

Everyone: 😨

Qulti: She made me blind in one eye by her cold blood hands and me, my siblings and everyone's life a living hell.

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