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The chaos never scared me.

It never frightened or threatened me. I never trembled with terror as it looked me in the eyes. If anything, I always grinned and blew soft kisses at it. It was thrilling and exciting to me.

And I swallowed that excitement, feeling it fill and consume me. Even with scars. Even with the way they zig and zag down my arm. Even with what I went through, I still smile.

A cool breeze blows, whisking my hair as sea salt spray falls on my lips. Dark waves sway, washing seafoam on the sandy shore as soles fall heavily on frost-dusted grass. The air is cold and sharp, stinging my nose as I inhale, filling my lungs.

We walk, the November sky vast and slate, covered by a thin layer of clouds. It's a typical winter day. Cold and bitter, and quiet. The sounds of the city have grown quieter over the last few months. Though, I suppose that mainly has to do with the fall of the former system more so than anything else, really.

Not too long ago, Dabi had broadcasted a pre-recorded video of himself. In it, he admitted his true identity, which shook the nation, including those of us in the PLF. His real name is Touya Todoroki, and he is the eldest child of the current number one hero, Endeavor. The eldest child who was believed to have tragically died many years ago.

Of course, with that confession, Dabi also revealed bits of his childhood, exposing Endeavor's obsession with the ideal of surpassing the former number one hero, All Might. That obsession led to him choosing a wife solely with the intention of creating the perfect offspring.

With the world now aware of Endeavor's corruption, it has stirred utter distrust in the population. After all, if the number one hero had done something as horrible as he had, what other heroes could be doing the same? And beyond that, where did heroes' loyalties lie? Did they truly care about the people they were sworn to serve and protect, or were they all driven by greed and corruption? Did they really care about protecting others, or were they all acting a part? That distrust led to the final tear of trust in the population.

Shortly after Endeavor's fall from grace, civilians took to protecting themselves. Heroes were all either mocked or completely discarded altogether, leaving many pros to turn in their titles and walk away. Some still linger, trying to act as some beacon of hope, but they are often cursed and laughed at, their aid seen as some poor excuse of redemption.

Of course, with this shift, crimes are at a new high. Most are petty robberies and thefts, but there have been other, more severe destructive crimes. Parts of the city are now leveled, nothing but rubble and heaps of concrete scattered on the ground. Some people have been forced into homelessness, and others have unfortunately died as a result of all the destruction.

However, despite the lives that have been sacrificed, great gains and strides have been made. People are actually using their quirks freely, thinking and fending for themselves as we intended. Even if they don't see it right now, we are all walking our ways into a freer and happier world. One where the government doesn't dictate quirks.

Another cool breeze blows, whisking my hair. It has grown out a bit over the last few months, now falling at the top of my back. But I guess that's not all that's changed. It took some time, but after everything that happened, I did start to regain the weight I had lost. My face is no longer pale and hollow as it had been but touched by a bronze hue and softly edged with flushed cheeks. And my body has done the same, regaining the meat I had lost.

I still have the occasional nightmare involving the twins, but I no longer flinch at every single shadow I see out the corner of my eyes, so I consider that progress. It's taken a lot of time and counselling provided by a trusted PLF medical provider, and I'm still nowhere near back to my former mental health, but I'm better than I was. And in turn, I'm no longer afraid of my quirk.

During my outing with Toga and Compress a few months back, I learned that my quirk did indeed evolve. I now see memories clearly and vividly, just like a rolling film instead of a clouded snapshot, which does make it easier when I need to use it. According to Dr. Garaki, it is believed that intense emotions led to its evolution, but I guess I already knew that.

I take another step, stopping behind him. He stands tall, facing the swaying ocean as the wind blows and whisks his hair. His shoulders are broad and relaxed, rising and falling calmly with each breath he draws.

He still drives me insane. We still bicker, and he still gets jealous of Dabi, but deep down, he knows how I feel. He knows. He sees it in the way I look at him. He feels it in how I touch him. He experiences it every day, and as do I.

I love this man, and at times, I hate him. The emotions he has caused me to feel are wickedly intense and broad, blowing just as the wind. Moving so freely and chaotically. It's amazing.

I take a step, moving to his side. He glimpses down at me, his eyes just as beautiful and vivid as ever. Deep crimson. Just like pools of burning magma. I smile, stepping into them as he reaches over, taking my hand into his. His palm is warm, encasing mine, chasing away the cold.

I don't know what the future holds. A year. A month. A week. Even a day from now. I don't know what awaits. Will I always be here, strong by his side, or will I eventually drift away to the next land? I don't know. Only time will tell, but that is a question for a different version of me. One that does not yet exist. One that does not yet matter.

Because right now, I am here. I am at his side, with him. And he is here, at my side with me. Held together by this strange emotion known as love. And maybe we're young. Maybe we're foolish. Maybe we don't have a thing figured out, but that's the fun part. We don't have anything planned. Nothing is mapped out. This path we walk, we walk separately and together all at once. Just two separate souls brought together by chance and love.

Corny and cringe, I know. But as I look into his eyes, I know that I have found a home. Even if it's only for now. Even if it is only temporarily. I won't know that until later, but I do know that right now, this is home. This is where I want to be. Here with him, embracing the chaos.

And as the cool breeze of an approaching winter nips at my nose, I turn, looking at him. In his eyes, I feel so warm.

**Hello, and OMG my lovelies. We did it. We are here. We have reached this story's official end (Fun Facts in the next part, though). I know. It's sad, but it wasn't a sad ending. It was open enough that if y'all want to imagine further in the future, ya can, but it's closed off enough to still place them together if ya want. Which, I thought was nice. Still, it feels weird to be done writing this. I had so much fun and enjoyed it so much. What will I do with myself now? That said, I genuinely and sincerely appreciate all the support all y'all have given along the way. And I truly hope y'all enjoyed the story. Y'all are welcomed to join me in the Fun Facts section, but if ya don't wanna, that's fine too. Just know that I truly am grateful for everything. Thank you so, so much for joining me on this crazy journey! I hope y'all do well and remember how incredible y'all are! For real! Wuv yous!! <3**

-Noel Ross

P.S. "Vandalize" by ONE OK ROCK

P.S.S. Yesterday (09/17/2023) was my dad's birthday!

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