Chapter 19: The Wall

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My heart is sputtering.

Fast and irregular. Pounding my chest like a drum. My pulse vigorously swooshes through my ears, burning them and my cheeks.

So much goes through my mind. There are so many things I want to say and ask. Things that have been swirling through my head over the last few weeks. Small questions. Big questions. But as I look at him, they all fly out the window.

Seeing him leaves me speechless and groping for words like a drunk stumbling down the street. I am clumsy and tripping over every little thought, but I feel so relieved all the same.

"Oh, hey," I say, tucking some hair behind my ear. It feels hot against my fingertips, but I ignore it. "Wasn't expecting to run into you. How are you?"

My words are coming out so clunky and jumbled. Awkwardly, really. It's as if I'm a prepubescent girl trying to talk to her crush for the first time.

His eyes are on mine, his face unreadable, but all the while, too readable. Almost as if he's trying to mask whatever is going through his head, but I can see that much. That he is hiding something.

He scans me quickly, then goes stiff, shifting his weight. "Hello. Neither was I. It...seems you're doing well."

I'm not used to him sounding like this. This robotic and calculated. Distant. It's as if there are no emotions behind his words, which don't match the actions he made two weeks ago when he saved me. A man who is willing to save a woman wouldn't talk this...disengaged, would he?


Or did he only save me because in the eyes of the PLF, I am a tool, and I was a stolen tool?

My heart sinks at that thought. I really don't like that. That wasn't even a worry of mine before, but now... Oh, God. Is that why? Is that why they swooped in and saved the day? That can't be it. Surely, it's not. I mean... Is everything a lie?

No. No, my friendships with Jin and Toga are anything but a lie. They are true and mean something. And then there's Compress and Dabi, even Spinner. Even though I'm nowhere near as close to them as I am to Toga and Jin, they still seem to genuinely enjoy my company. But...

"What did Dr. Garaki say about your arm?"

I blink, refocusing back on the here and now. Just like before, Tomura stands in front of me, his eyes trained on me, but they look so different. Before, it was as if there was this dense wall between us, but now, they look so soft and gentle. But I can still see how they flicker between some other emotions. What is he thinking? What is he feeling?

Then again, can I even answer those two questions myself?

I draw in a breath and shrug. "He told me that..." Can I tell him? Do I want to? I mean, it was his quirk that caused this, and based on what I see – this odd and broken-down man – I don't know how he'll react. Then again, as I observe him, taking in that focused gaze, I make my decision. "He said that there is nerve damage and that I may have limited motor skills, but other than that, he didn't really seem all that concerned. That said, he thinks I might regain some sensation in the future, so that's a bonus."

I flash a warm smile. I hope he'll see this and be set at ease, but as I watch him, his expression falls. If there had been any light in his eyes, it is gone now. Void and empty. Well, that's how it looks.

But I do make one more observation. He has not glimpsed at my arm. Not once. If anything, it looks as if he is fighting himself, trying to keep his eyes on mine.

A twinge pulls at my chest. Why is he acting like this? It's so strange and weird. It feels as if there's this weird wall between us. A flimsy and strange wall, but still a wall.

And I want to tear that wall down.

"Come on, Tomura," I say, smiling. "Relax. You're acting all grim and shit."

I go to reach out and jokingly push him as I have before, but he avoids my touch, moving quickly. So quickly that I wasn't really expecting that. It leaves a greater space between us, and me blinking.

I look at him, standing so much further now. Why is he so far?

"What is that all about?" I ask. There is a hint of annoyance in my voice. "Why did you just do that?"

For a moment, I don't know if he's going to answer. His eyes are wide and his lips are pressed in a flat line. Then: "I...I need to go."

And before I can utter another word, he is gone, turning fast on his heel and heading straight back the way he came, once again leaving me in this hall.




And hurt.

**Ello, ello lovelies! Another day, another chapter. Bet that didn't go the way y'all wanted. Don't worry...I knew it was gonna happen lol. But hey, at least it was still an interaction between the two, right? Something is something lol. Don't worry, there will be more. Now, will that more be good or bad? I guess we'll have to find out. Oof. Today was a hard day at work. I feel beat. Luckily, I'm off for the next few days. Can just chill and unwind. Hope y'all get to do the same! Thank you so much for everything! Y'all are the bestest! Wuv yous!! <3**

-Noel Ross

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