Chapter 25: Tea and A Chat

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Rain taps the windows, rolling down the glass.

Honestly, I didn't even know we were calling for rain today. It was so sunny and bright earlier, but now, the late noon sky is cloaked by dense clouds of gray as rain falls like tears. Still, it feels as if this is what we need. A good, solid rain.


I glimpse over my shoulder, seeing Tomura standing there, holding out a steaming mug of something, though most likely tea. And though it's still summer, even I can admit the days – the evenings, to be particular – are growing more and more chilly, and with the rain on top of it, there is an extra chill in the air.

I smile, taking it. "Thank you."

After in his office, we migrated to his room for more privacy because we both know there is still so much more to say. Confessions of love proclaimed, we both know there is so much more that has to be shared. Things we need to say and discuss, to get off our chests.

I take a sip of the tea, feeling its warmth roll all the way down to my stomach where it settles, and curl up more on the sofa in his little seating area. He lowers himself in the chair close by, his own cup in his gloved hands.

He looks so much more relaxed. Almost as if his shoulders are ten pounds lighter and his chest is freed of any burdens. But his expression is still expecting, his lips pressed in a flat line. And it is he who speaks.

"How have you been sleeping these days? You look exhausted."

Awkwardly, I smile. "Um, well, no lie, it could be better, but I manage."

He nods, running his thumbs along his mug. For a moment, it looks as if he is debating something. Then: "You know, Toga...mentioned something about PTSD."

Almost instantly, my blood runs cold and my heart falls. This wasn't the conversation I was expecting. And though I can't say I'm surprised Toga had told him, I can admit this isn't what I thought we were going to talk about.

"She said she thinks that you might have it." He continues, his eyes bore into mine. I feel so small under his stare.

I fidget. "Did she? How funny. What would give her that idea?" I take a nervous drink. Why am I feeling this way? This jittery and anxious.

"Yeah. She did," he says. His voice is so low and soft. He inhales deeply. "I know it's because of what happened...or didn't happen when you were there."

There. He doesn't have to say where there is...or was. We both know what he's talking about, and it fills my chest with this coldness.

"You know?" I ask, my own voice small and tiptoeing to a tremble.

He nods. "I know that I probably shouldn't have been told, but Dr. Garaki did tell me about the kit. About its results."

He almost looks uncomfortable discussing this, but that makes two. I can't keep from shifting and fidgeting, feeling my own discomfort gnawing at me. Then I nervously laugh.

"Well, they didn't find anything, so I guess there's nothing to worry about."

"No. They didn't." He agrees. His eyes are locked on mine, his thumbs still running along his mug. "But something still happened, otherwise you wouldn't be struggling to sleep, would you?"

I chew my lower lip. He's not wrong. If nothing had happened – if they had just left me alone in a room – then I probably wouldn't be struggling this badly. I'd probably still be traumatized, but having the dreams of Asahi hovering over me wouldn't be one of the demons I'd be fighting.

Her Touch ~Tomura Shigaraki x OC AU~Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя