Chapter 6: Waves' Tears

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**Mature content ahead – reader discretion advised**


It's...becoming harder.

Staying awake is becoming so hard. So difficult. My eyes... I can't even open them anymore.

My mind fades in and out of consciousness more and more, though all I do is mainly sleep. I don't think I can stay awake for more than three minutes at a time. Five if I'm lucky.

I can't move. Not really. Not by much. I think all I can really do is slightly shift my head every couple of hours. Other than that, I can't do much else. Move. Look. Even think. It is all becoming increasingly difficult with each minute that rolls by. And...

What time is it? What day is it? I...don't know. I can't remember. Time has become this stagnant thing that stretches and stretches on and on and on...

What? What am I even thinking? Am I thinking? Or am I dreaming? Maybe that's it. Maybe this is all one screwy dream. That'd be fucked up. Dreaming about all this. Then again, it wouldn't be too surprising.

"Is she dead?"

Right. This isn't a dream. I'm here. Kidnapped by... By... By who again? Oh, yeah. Mirage and Blain. What are their legal names again? I don't know.

A hand grabs my chin, forcing my head to turn from side to side. It hurts. I think. I think I feel pain, so I think it hurts.

"Mmm. No. She's alive. Just passed out, it looks." He pushes me away. I can't even wince. "She is in rough shape, though. Rougher than earlier."

"At this rate, she's not gonna be worth very much."

"Eh. Dead or alive, she'll go for a pretty penny. The underground likes them foreign girls."

"I guess, but I'd imagine she'd be worth more alive."

"Money is money, brother."

"I guess."

Wait. Who's being sold? Is it... Is it me? Are they talking about me? Why would anyone sell me?

Sleep. I'm so, so sleepy. Too sleepy. Maybe I'll... Maybe I'll... Just sleep...


I feel...hands.

Hot palms feeling me, squeezing and lifting my breasts. Fondling me.

I feel disgusting. Dirty and gross. My skin is hot and sticky, sweat glossing my brow. Who would touch me when I feel like this? Who is touching me at all, anyway? Whoever it is, they are doing it all wrong. They're too rough and hardly moving slow enough.

"Heh. I'm gonna miss these. It's been real nice being able to touch a real woman."

Ah, right. It's one of the twins. Which one? Mirage or Blain? Didn't one of them prefer asses over breasts? Oh, right. This must be Asahi. He likes boobs. Heh. That's a funny word. Boobs...

Another rough squeeze. I'd wince if I could, but even if I did, I doubt he'd notice. He lifts and squeezes, smooshing the fat lumps on my chest, moving them in different directions.

I don't like this. It feels all wrong in all kinds of ways. The way he rushes it all. The way maneuvers. The roughness and force he uses. And then, there's the simple fact of who he is.

Asahi wouldn't be my first choice of someone I'd want to fuck, or even be touched by. There is so much wrong with how he does it...who he is. None of it makes any sense. None at all.

Her Touch ~Tomura Shigaraki x OC AU~Where stories live. Discover now