Chapter 32: Autumn's Test Drive

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"Are you sure you want to do this?"

Tomura is looking at me, his eyes peering into mine. The fleeting light from the setting sun reflects in his gaze, turning his irises into glimmering rubies. His lips are pressed in a flat line, his gloved hands holding mine, his thumb stroking my numb hand.

I inhale deeply, nodding. "Yeah. I need to do this."

"You don't have to."

"For myself," I chuckle. I gaze at our hands for a moment. Even with the numbness and dulled sensation, I've never felt like my hands fitted with anyone's. Not until his held me. I look up at him. "I have to make sure I can still control my quirk. Don't worry, I'll be fine. Toga and Compress will both be there."

"Yeah, Shigaraki," Toga says, boredom pulling at her tone. "Will you put some faith in us already?

"I must agree with, Toga, Shigaraki. You know we won't let anything happen to Miss Hartz," Compress adds, approaching. "You know we'll watch over her."

"And you need to have faith in me." I squeeze his hands, trying to reassure him. "You know I can handle myself. I didn't make it three years on my own by being weak."

He observes me, probably not wanting to admit that we're right, but deep down, I know that he knows we're right. He knows that I am capable, and he knows that even if I struggle, Toga and Compress will be close by and able to swoop in. I know he knows that.

Finally, he sighs. "You're right."

"Damn right, we're right," Toga scoffs. She turns and starts to walk to the vehicle we'll be taking. "God! Are you two always going to be this mushy? I'm starting to feel sick."

"To be honest, I prefer this over hearing them... Oh, my... You know," Compress says, his voice wavering. He follows behind Toga.

"Having sex?" she asks.

Compress shudders. "Toga! Have some class! But...yes. That."

She cackles as he tries to quiet her, all the while they grow further, leaving Tomura and me. A cool breeze blows, whisking our hair as the smell of early autumn creeps close. He continues to hold my hands, squeezing. His warmth surrounds my fingers, and I feel safe.

"I should go," I say, knowing the other two are waiting for me. "I'll be back in a bit, though."

"I know you will." He swallows.

A small smile lifts the corners of my lips. "Why aren't you letting go, then?"

He is silent for a moment, his eyes focused on our locked hands when he returns them to mine, answering, "Because I'm afraid I'll lose you again."

My heart sputters. It's not like him to speak this way, but at the same time, it does seem like it's something he would say. To me, anyway. He would never say this to anyone else. Not if he could help it.

I press my lips to his cheek, whispering against his skin, "You're not going to lose me. I'll be back. I promise."

"Can't you just do this here?"

He means to test my quirk. To use it at its full potential on someone here, but he knows as well as I do that I can't do that. Not after telling the others during the meeting about the newest developments.

"You know why I can't do that," I say, kissing him. "I need to try this on a complete stranger. I know too many of the faces here."

He pulls me close, resting his forehead against mine. "You know that I know that." He says this, stating it. It is not a question. He wraps his arms around my waist. "I'm just scared. The thought of losing you again..."

Her Touch ~Tomura Shigaraki x OC AU~Where stories live. Discover now