Chapter 15: For Tonight

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It's the same dream.

It's always the same dream. Me, walking along some familiar, yet strange beach, enjoying the water. Then in an instant, I'm snatched away and pulled into some dark and desolate building, naked and chained. And then, just like that, he appears.

I don't know how I know that it's Asahi, but I do. It's as if this voice bellows deep within me, telling me his name. My skin always crawls, and my stomach always turns. And it feels as if I could vomit. Or pass out. Or both. Most likely both.

And then I wake up. Just like that.

This is no different. As Asahi haunted my dreams, trying to do those same vile things, my eyes dart open, and I am greeted by the blackness of night. Well, maybe that's excessive. It's dark, but I can still make out the faint shapes of different objects in the room. An unhooked monitor next to the bed. The IV drip that was once hooked to my arm nestled next to a supply cabinet. Wires and other random medical equipment hanging on the wall.

And a figure...sitting on the floor, next to the window.

At first, my heart stops and I almost think that maybe someone is coming to complete the twins' objective, but then I focus and relax.

It's Tomura. He's hunched over, sleeping by the sounds of it. I can hear the soft snores emanating from him, matching the rise and fall of his shoulders. And – as far as I can tell – he is sleeping soundly. Or at least, that's how it seems. Him sleeping without a single care.

But he's here.

He's actually here. Did it take two weeks for him to make his grand appearance? Yes, but he still came. He came, and now he's asleep in my room. Well, my temporary room. It's my last night in the infirmary's ICU.

Quietly, I pull back the covers and tiptoe to him, and as I near him, my heart flutters.

The pale light of the moon is drifting in through the window, bathing him in its glow. His ivory hair is swooped over his face, so I can't see much through that mass, but I can see the flushed porcelain of his skin.

Honestly, I want to reach out and touch him – to brush my fingertips along him, but I think better of it. I don't want to risk stirring him. Not when he looks this peaceful. So, I'll stand, and I'll watch. Observing from afar, yet not so much. And I'll wonder what he feels like. Is he as warm as I remember? Are his edges just as rough as before?

I smile.

I'm sure he is. He always was before. What would change that now? Nothing. And I hope he stays that way.

I try to crouch to observe him better, but my body isn't quite ready for that, so I instead stand, steadying my balance, making sure to remain quiet. I don't want to wake him. Not if there's no reason, and there's no saying how much sleep he's gotten recently.

I know he had been sedated by Dr. Garaki shortly after my rescue, but after a few days, he woke, and I don't know how he slept after that. After all, I remember the bags and dark circles that had been under his eyes before...

Before everything happened.

I swallow and blink. Asahi's face flashes through my head and I shudder, turning. I make my way back to the bed and quietly climb into it, burrowing into the blankets.

Tomura is here. He's here, sleeping right there. I could have reached out and touched him. I wanted to... But Asahi is also here, haunting my mind like a ghost haunts an old Victorian house. Creeping and sneaking, slivering through the crevasses of my consciousness.

He's like a roach. Asahi, I mean. He's like a nasty little cockroach crawling across my skin. I almost wonder if I bathed in holy water if that would exercise the demon that he is. Would that free my mind?

I was hoping that seeing Tomura would bring some ease to my mind. And it did for a moment. For a brief snippet of time, I was engulfed in everything that is Tomura Shigaraki, but even he can't completely free me from this hell. Though, I wish he could.

My eyes drift back to where Tomura is. He is still hunched over, sleeping. Not a single bit of him stirring. My heart swells and I smile.

Even if someone tried anything, I know he'd stop them. I know he would wake and jump into action, defending me. Protecting me.

At least, for tonight.

**Ello lovelies! Awe. Look who Illika found sleeping in her room! Shiggy is there... Well, he's physically there. That's cute, right? What do you think this means? Do you think they'll be okay? Guess we'll have to find out! Fun news! I got a new (male) betta fish! His name is Orpheus, and he is full of personality. I went for a blue and white colored fish and came home with a spunky red one lol. I can't help it. The feistier the fish, the better. Way more interactive. Random, I know. Well, gonna end things here. As always, thank y'all so, so, so much for everything! Y'all are the bestest! Wuv yous!! <3**

-Noel Ross

Her Touch ~Tomura Shigaraki x OC AU~Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon