Chapter 30: Those Lyrics

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I know I got you; you know you got me.

At first, I don't know why those words replay over and over in my head, but then I remember the song I once heard playing on some lone car stereo a few years ago. An English song, but I could make out a few of the words.

Those were some of them.

I only half-minded them at the time. Didn't think twice or look into them, but now, as she sleeps next to me, curled on the floor in oblivion, they resurface.

What was the next part? We got everything we need. That sounds right. I don't remember much else from it, let alone understand it.

But as I look at her, watching her, the lyrics I do know suddenly make sense. Back then, they didn't. I didn't understand them. I didn't care to, but with her here, they all are crystal clear.

Even through the bad – even after all the shit that happened – I have her, and she has me. We have each other, and that's all we really need. If tomorrow, the PLF's base crumbled to the ground and the heroes ambushed us, there would still be us, and that's enough.

That's all we need.

Gently, I brush my fingertips along the soft edge of her jaw. She feels warm. Warm and alive. Perfectly chaotic. I guess that's one way to describe her. Pain in the ass just doesn't fully cut it. It only nicks at the surface. She is chaotic – messy, sometimes. Annoying, often. But my kind of perfect, always. Always.

I move a strand of hair from her face, and she stirs, blinking up at me, hazy with sleep.

"What's wrong?" she asks, her voice groggy.

I shake my head. "Nothing. Sorry. Didn't mean to wake you."

"It's fine," she yawns, stretching. She sits up. "I'm feeling cold anyway. Is it okay if we move to your bed?"

"Yeah. Here, let me help you." I climb to my feet, extending a hand. Gloved, of course. To keep her safe.

She doesn't think twice. Doesn't question it. Doesn't shudder. She just takes it and I pull her up, steadying her. Her eyes are still narrowed, and her movements are wonky. That's fine. I have her. I know I do.

"Do you need anything?" I ask, helping her climb into the bed.

She shakes her head, then looks at me, still so tired. "Nope. Just you." She pats the spot next to her. "Come on. Hop, hop."

I chuckle but climb in next to her, and almost instantly, she curls up next to me, burying her face in my chest. I freeze at first, still not understanding how she can be so content with me, but remember the lyrics. You know you got me. Maybe that's why. Maybe she already knows that.

"You're so warm," she says, burrowing closer. "I always feel better whenever you're here. I don't feel so cold anymore." Her arms wrap around me, keeping me as close as possible. "I've always been cold." What is she talking about? "You keep me warm, Tomura. Will you?" Is she talking in her sleep? "Say you will...Tenko."

My heart skips a beat. It still feels so strange to hear her say that name, but at the same time, it feels exhilarating. That part of me had died, almost completely slipping away, but to hear her say that name... It reminds me that it existed. It was a real time, and a different time.

And though she hadn't been there, hearing her say that name almost allows me to insert her into the vague memories, pretending she had been there. Pretending that she saw what my father did and was just as angry as I was suffering, but too young to do anything. That's what I like to imagine.

I wrap my arms around her, and pull her into my chest, pressing my lips on her forehead. She smells so sweet.

"I'm here," I whisper. "I'm not going anywhere. I'll keep you warm."

We got everything we need.

**Bello lovelies! Okay, so Shiggy wanted another POV, so he got this little one. Hey, I just do what the characters tell me to. I am but a humble writer. For real though, I was listening to "Everything We Need" by A Day To Remember (video above) while typing this chapter, so I was inspired by that. Had to include it. Brr. I am freezing right now. I get cold in the evening time, so that's currently where I'm at. Just cold lol. I don't know why, but eh. It's fine. A bit more and we'll be done. How are y'all feeling? I'm kinda sad, actually. It's gonna be bittersweet to finish this. But we still have a wee bit more, so fear not! Until then, thank y'all so, so much for everything! Y'all are the bestest! Wuv yous!! <3**

-Noel Ross

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