Chapter 26: Don't Go

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I don't know how long we talked.

But at some point, our cups became empty, and he made more tea, then we drank that. So, he made more. Rinse and repeat. All the while the sun dipped lower and lower in the sky until a deep, deep blue speckled with stars rose, and we somehow migrated outside onto the balcony.

I don't even remember walking out here. We were so wrapped up in the conversation that it didn't even occur to me. I know his birthday now. April fourth. He's an Aries – a fire sign, if I'm not mistaken. I'm an air sign – an Aquarius. Older than him, but not by much. Not even a whole two months – close, but not wholly – but that doesn't really matter.

None of it does.

We just talked and talked, and I found myself continuing to fall more and more for him. As corny and cheesy as that may sound – and it does. Trust me, I know it does, but it is the truth.

All these little things that make Tomura, Tomura... Well, I love them all.

He takes a drink of his tea, his eyes fixated on the sprawling vastness of the sky above. His expression is relaxed, and his stare is lost somewhere. Maybe even in his own thoughts. I wonder what he's thinking. I wonder what thoughts are rolling through his mind. I wish I could take a glimpse and explore – to see. Then he speaks.

"You still never answered me."

I lift a brow. "About?"

"How you've been sleeping."

This strikes me. Haven't we already been here? Haven't we already discussed this? I'm pretty sure we have.

"But I did," I say, taking a drink. "Remember? I told you that I manage."

He shakes his head, then looks at me. "That's not an answer. How have you really been sleeping?"

I fidget. Honestly, I was hoping we were beyond this. I mean, we were having such a nice conversation. So nice, and now he's trying to take us right back to where it all started, but even I know better. I can see the worry in his eyes. I can hear it in his voice. Still, must we do this?

"Tomura, ugh... Do we have to go over this again?"

His eyes peer into mine. "We never went through it, to begin with. That's not a real answer."

"But –"

He doesn't say anything. He just shoots me a sharp look that tells me – demands – to answer the question, and I know exactly what he means. He wants to know – for real – what is going on.

Defeated, I inhale deeply, then exhale. "I have...nightmares." I roll my eyes, wanting to kick myself for this. "This is stupid. This doesn't matter. I manage. Okay?"

"No," he says. His tone is flat and unamused. "It isn't okay. What do you mean you have nightmares?"

I fidget more, finding myself moving the cup around in my grip. All the while, Asahi's face flashes through my mind, sending chills down my spine. Goosebumps raise my skin and I shiver. Then, I press on.

"I...I see his face. All the time," I confess. My heart is beating so fast. "It's as if he's everywhere. Around every corner, down every hall. Just waiting to jump out of the shadows and snatch me away." I shiver again. "And it's no different when I go to sleep. I drift off, and it starts off good. Peaceful, even. There's a beach and the ocean, and then..."

My voice fades, wavering as the vivid image of Asahi flashes through my mind. Him, hovering over me as his hands grope and feel me, his hot breath sticky against my skin. Then, his hand creeping closer and closer to my opening, and I am unable to scream or protest. And I feel sick.

Her Touch ~Tomura Shigaraki x OC AU~Where stories live. Discover now