Chapter 5: In the Night

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"Shigaraki, the recon unit has returned."

I inhale sharply, then exhale. My eyes burn. My eyes burn and my legs feel so heavy. Weighted like rocks in the water. I just breathe, then turn.

Compress stands, his lips pressed in a flat line. His normally well-pressed clothes look more wrinkled and disheveled than before, and his hair is growing more and more messy. Still, between the two of us, he is more put together and carries himself in this poised kind of way, even though I can see the tilt of his shoulders.

"And? What did they find?" I ask.

My legs still feel so heavy, and my body feels weak. And my eyes... Damn. They burn so much. But how many days has it been? I know it hasn't been all that many. Two, maybe three? Whichever, it's two or three days too many. Two or three days she's been missing, trapped with them, and not safe here.


That's a funny word to use. When has anything I've ever done been considered safe? I'm a villain. I am acutely aware of that. I don't live a life that is particularly safe. At any moment, my life could be ended. If not by some righteous hero, then by someone here who might want power. At all times, I walk around with a target on my back.

But it goes beyond that. It all stems so much deeper than I could ever admit. The things I've said and done. To my comrades. To people on the street. To members of the PLF. To her. The venom I've burned even as it came out. I can only imagine how it felt. And the way I flung and threw her...

There is nothing safe about me.

"They've located the building linked with the coordinates," he answers. "It appears to be abandoned. Most likely a former factory of some kind."

"So, there really is something there after all? Well, they aren't the brightest. Was there any sign of them?"

He shakes his head. "Unfortunately, they weren't spotted if that is what you are referring to. However, that said, one of the unit members did manage to take a closer look and does confirm having seen some of their personal items. Shoes, clothes, and such."

I lift a brow. "How do they know it was actually their stuff?"

"Images were taken and presented to Re-Destro. He confirmed several items."

Re-Destro. He continues to claim innocence in all this, even willing to accept any punishment given. Even so, I'm still on the fench. On one hand, he has been nothing but loyal through it all, no matter what. However, he was the one who recommended we break those dickheads out of prison, and they've been nothing but trouble throughout all of this. Their nuisance has far outweighed any usefulness they could have had.

Regardless, Re-Destro is still the only one who knows what those two apes could do. He's also the only one who can identify any of their belongings or MO. So, until she is back, we are at his mercy, and I hate every moment of it.

"So, he believes they're there?" I ask, looking at him. Compress stands, uncertainty sprawling across his features. I frown. "What? What is it? Ugh. Just say it."

He sighs. "If I may speak freely, I believe Re-Destro. He seems confident in this, and completely genuine in his repeated apologies. Then there's the matter of his willing cooperation."

"Well, it's either that or die, so he isn't left with much of a choice."

"Maybe so, but we both know how prideful he is. The fact he's willing to so openly accept his misjudgment and the punishment it reaped publicly is admirable at least."

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