Chapter 3: Water's Cover

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**Mature content ahead – reader discretion advised**


"I wish that bastard hadn't tainted ya."

A voice. Gruff and low. It rolls through the quietness, filling my ears. It sends this strange sensation through me, causing the hairs on my arms to stand. And then I feel fingers brush some loose hairs from my face.

"Fucking prick. Went and ruined a perfectly fine ass woman." I sit, listening as he inhales deeply, and I know it is me he is breathing in. "Mmm. Do you know how long it's been since I last touched a woman? Like, really touched a woman?"

His fingers trail down my semi-bare chest, cuffing one of my breasts. He squeezes it, knocking the remaining flimsy fabric from my shoulders, completely exposing my whole chest. Internally, I shudder. My skin crawls in revulsion. I don't like this. I don't like it one bit, and I know exactly who is doing this.

Asahi. From the start of this whole ordeal, he has repeatedly expressed what it is he wants, but even if he didn't, it's not difficult to figure out. And it's not just the way he gropes and feels me up that tells me. I've seen the way he's looked at not just me, but women in general. Like some desperate dog frothing at the mouth. Even when he thought no one was looking all those times in the PLF halls, I saw.

He's starved for a woman, and I just happen to be here.

His fingertips trail down, gliding along the smooth skin of my abdomen. He speaks, the curl of a grin rolling the ends of his lips. "It's been too damn long. Hell, I don't even think I've been with a woman since at least a year prior to going to prison." He starts to trace little circles on my stomach. "And you're tempting as fuck. I'd bang ya right now if it weren't for my brother reminding me about how that Shigaraki Tomura bastard ruined you."

He continues to draw shapes on my stomach, then stops. He lingers, and I can feel him hovering there. Maybe even somewhere close to the hem of my shorts. Shivers run down my spine.

Currently, I am hoping – wishing – so deeply that he'll remain revolted by the sheer knowledge of knowing that Tomura and I have had sexual relations. I pray that knowledge continues to be enough to repel him. I want it to continue to act as some kind of shield.

He pulls at the hem, and I almost think my soul leaves my body when he sighs. "Fucking prick." His hand pulls away. "But a lucky fucking prick. Gotta admit I don't like the guy, but I am jealous. Who would've thought a deranged psychopath with janky scars like him could land a babe like you? Tellin' ya, it makes no sense."

This statement bothers me. I don't particularly understand why. I shouldn't really care. Not about what someone else – especially Asahi – thinks about Tomura. Let alone what he thinks about Tomura and me. But I do care. I care and it bothers me so much.

"You," I say, my voice sounding croaky and foreign to me.

"Hmm? Holy shit. You're awake?" He chuckles.

I squint my eyes open, trying to look at him, fighting the pain of the light away. "You know nothing."

"Tch. What are you going on about?" He leans closer, the sour heat of his breath caressing my cheek. He gingerly touches my chin.

I hate how he touches me. It feels all wrong and screwy. Sickening, even. My skin crawls and this hollowness falls to my stomach. It's almost as if I could vomit. Maybe.

He leans close, bringing his nose to my neck, inhaling deeply. "God. The smell of a woman is so heavenly. It cleans out that foul odor of men I smelled while in prison. This is so much nicer." He breathes in again, pressing himself against me. "I wanna fuck you so bad."

Her Touch ~Tomura Shigaraki x OC AU~Where stories live. Discover now