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I froze when y/n grabbed me by the hand. She pulled me back slightly trying to get me to sit down again. This can't be a coincidence. I killed that man while she was unconscious. How did she have a dream of him? My mind whirled with thoughts and excuses. But I knew none of them would work..

"I'm n-not lying y/n" I said plainly, trying to void any emotion I have.. Including guilt. I itched the side of my face and made my body less stiff to try and appear more casual. "There's something that is bothering you... I can tell" Y/n gripped my hand a little tighter.

I looked from her hand to her face with a sigh. "Okay well.. I d-did do.. something..." I gave a lighthearted chuckle. "But it's really n-nothing t-to worry about.. I promise" I pulled her up carefully so she would stand.

"You're a really bad liar..." Y/n said with a look of uncertainty. I sighed at y/n's stubbornness, thinking she wouldn't give up until I gave her some sort of truth. "I-I scared away the c-campers earlier.." I said, glancing away for a bit. When I looked back at y/n her face was clearly upset.

"Really? That's it?" She raised an eyebrow. "Yup" I shook her hand away from mine. "Anywho.. w-we should look at all t-the free stuff we g-got" I grinned, stepping towards one of the tents. Y/n sighed and rolled her eyes before pushing herself up to stand. "Whatever.. yeah.. sure.." she mumbled.

I chuckled before spinning around to be facing away from her. My cheeky expression quickly faded to one of relief and guilt. I walked over to the tent and unzipped it. There were sleeping bags, a radio, and a lantern. "Hm" I tilted my head, a bit disappointed by the basic items.

I could sense that y/n was looking over my shoulder. I gulped and chuckled nervously. "Welp.. u-uh... n-nothing here, heh heh..." I scratched the back of my head. I stood up straight and crossed my arms, glimpsing at y/n.

She was unamused. She shrugged and walked over to one of the bags the people left behind. I didn't go with her, instead I walked to the second tent. I peeked inside just to be disappointed more. There was one sleeping bag, that's it.

I sighed in defeat and slowly walked over to y/n. She was sorting through the bag quietly. Making piles different piles for the things inside. She didn't say anything to me, in fact she was ignoring me. A silent tension started to grow uncomfortable.

I cleared my throat. "U-um.. what are you d-doing?" I asked, leaning over to see what the piles contained. "Sorting" she said plainly, setting a bag of granola in the food pile. "Really? O-oh.. I never would have guessed..." I smirked sarcastically.

"That's cause your stupid" y/n said bluntly, oblivious to the sarcasm. I scoffed, "I'm not stupid..." I muttered, turning and walking towards the pile of unlit logs. I huffed and yanked the backpack towards me. I shuffled through the bag until I found my box of matched.

I sat on the ground with a grumble and struck one of the matches against the box. The end caught a flame and I stared at it for a moment before trying to light the campfire. The match burnt out and I tossed it into pile of logs and sticks. I struck another match against the box and the match snapped snapped in half.

I let out a frustrated huff and looked at the box. There was one match left. I got up and gathered some dead leaves and other flammables. I tossed it over the sticks and logs before taking a deep breath. I picked up the last match and stuck it against the box. It lit aflame and I held it near the dead leaves. The leaves burnt for a second before extinguishing the flame.

I threw the empty box over my shoulder carelessly, giving up on the fire. The box flew through the air and ended up hitting y/n in the head. "HEY" she snapped her head over towards my direction. "Oh p-please.. I didn't do t-that on purpose-" I rolled my eyes.

Haywire (Yandere! Ticci Toby 🔥 X Fem! Reader 🪓)Where stories live. Discover now