the one who watches

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I decided to go home after work and just take the day to relax. I still felt a little bad for leaving Vincent all alone, but I figured that I shouldn't think too much about it. I pulled into the driveway and went inside.

I immediately went to the living area and flopped on the couch. Even though I had only worked a few hours I already felt exhausted. I laid on the couch and tried to relax. But I couldn't seem to shake the lurking feeling of being watched. I look over to the window to see outside.

Just the same houses and forest in the distance. I sighed and a bit of the tension off and sat back on the couch. Allie came put from her room in her scrubs, she must be going to her classes. She looked over to the couch to see me and she looked a bit suprised, "You're home early?" She said a little confused, she grabbed her phone and her purse. "Yeah, Vincent let me off for the day.." I said with a sigh as I pulled out my phone.

She looked at you with a smirk, "Vincent? Isn't that that one cute guy you talk about all the time..?" She teased. I looked at her wide eyed, "Cute? I never said that! And I don't talk about him all the time..." I shrinked back into the couch. "Oh come on... I've seen him before he's a good looking guy..." she laughed a little before heading towards the door.

I shook my head and leaned back into the couch, thinking. Sure he was attractive but I couldn't see myself with him. We were basically complete opposites. And anyone with an interest in me is out of their mind.

"Alright well I'm hoping to take the car then" she said as she waved and left out the front door. When she left there was an eerie silence in the house and I felt the anxiety coming back. Standing up I walked to my room, hoping that it would make me feel less tense. I laid on my bed under the covers, but I felt restless. I couldn't relax at all, tossing and turning I tried to get comfortable but nothing worked.

I looked at my phone and decided to look for a YouTube video to try and calm me down. I clicked on one that looked interesting and laid on my side watching it. I still felt anxious but I was able to distract most of it with the video. I sat and relaxed for a while before the lurking feeling crawled back to my stomach.

I looked up from my phone to my window. There was nothing of course but it still felt like someone was watching me. I stood from my bed and went over to the window and shut the blinds. The closed blinds made it dark in my room, but I felt a little less on edge. So I laid back in my bed and tried to sleep.

I found myself staring at the celing, I wished this feeling would leave already. It was dreadful and I didn't know how to fix it. But all I knew is that it wasn't going to go away soon.

Toby's pov:

This is the first time in a long while I've felt so anxious with excitement. But I couldn't go yet. I had to wait until dark at least. I didn't want anyone to see me, I also didn't want it to see me. I couldn't let it find out I was watching someone who was interesting.

I knew it was watching my every move, I could feel it's presence behind me. Perhaps it already knew I was watching this girl. I just hoped it wouldn't interfere or od anything about it. This was the first time in ages that I've felt something besides numbness and paranoia.

I sat leaning against a tree, I would glance at the house every once in a while. I didn't want to know what would happen if I were to be caught with her. I know I need to be following orders, but I had already killed someone today, so this was fine.

I took a quick glance around the forest, making sure no one was watching. I sat and let myself think of as much negative thoughts as I could to get them out of my head. As time went on I got to watch the sun set on the horizon. I felt the anxious excitement well up in me once again.

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