face to face

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When I made it back to my apartment I began to brainstorm ideas on how to make a move. I could follow her around all day, everyday. Or I could always try and talk to her. The idea of making myself known gave me nerves beyond comprehension. But I had to try and prove I wasn't crazy, because I'm not.

I sat down on my mattress and took off my hoodie, mask and goggles. I thought more and more about her and I could feel my chest tighten up. The side of my mouth twitched and I took a deep breath. Laying down I think of ways I could persuade her to give me some sort of a chance. I don't want her to think of me as some sort of hopless case.

I stared at the celing for what felt like hours, letting my mind keep me busy with countless thoughts. But those hours passed like seconds in my eyes and before I could blink it was sunrise. There was only the sound of chatting birds and the occasional car passing by. My eyes felt heavy but I resisted and sat up in my bed. I stood up and debated on what is should do.. I haven't heard anything from it yet. Maybe I should head back to her house and see her myself..

y/n pov:

I was starting to feel like even my own home isn't safe. As if the horrors of that party a couple nights ago was haunting my home. Everything felt very offput, my stomach ached more and more everyday.

I watched videos on my phone until I felt tired enough that I could fall asleep with issue. My eyes fluttered shut and my phone falls from my hand onto the bed. I soon fall asleep just to be woken up by knocking. My body jerked awake and I look over to my bedroom door. My room was almost pitch black and I could barely see anything.

I stayed quiet to see if the knocking was just a figment of my imagination or not. After a few seconds I hear nothing coming from the other side of the door. I laid back down feeling more uneasy than before. I wasn't going to check to see if anyone was really there. Because in all honesty who would?

I shut my eyes tightly trying to forget what had happened and go to sleep. But fear crept through my mind and into my stomach. I pulled the covers up to my nose like a child who is hiding from the monster in their closet. My heart started to beat quicker and quicker. I still couldn't see anything, but I felt like something was watching me from the corner of my room.

The door to my room creaked open and I felt my heart drop. I looked over to see what was there but there was nothing but black hallway. I reached for my phone to turn on the flashlight but I couldn't find it. Frantically I felt around my bed for my phone and my heart beat quicker. I squinted back over to the door and it was fully open. I duck under the covers, pulling it fully over my face. This felt like an inescapable nightmare, and my phone seemed to disappear.

My breath became short and I could feel the room fill with a dark and heavy energy. The feelings pressed on my chest making me feel suffocated and helpless. I lift the cover ever so slightly and looked around my room. Looking around the room everything seemed normal except for one corner of my room. It seemed darker than the rest, it seemed to absorb any light that came from it. The darkness crept from the corner and along the other walls like a virus. Almost like the darkness grew tentacles as it spread further and further across the room.

I was frozen in complete fear, my eyes widen bigger than before. The room started to fill with whispers and my stomach started to twist and turn. The whispers got louder and louder in my ears. I tried to cover my ears but the whispers seemed to come from my own head. My breathing was short snd haggard and soon the room started to spin. My head spun and panic flooded my mind and stomach. My vision started to darken and soon my vision went completely dark.

I heard a the noise of a loud thud. I woke up in a cold sweat and I immediately jumped out of bed and turn on the main light. The room was completely normal but my breathing was still quick. Was it a nightmare?

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