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The tip of the blade ended up centimeters away from the man. I sighed and moved the knife away from the man. "I can't..." I said quietly, my eyes flicking over to Toby. Toby looked at me with a soft and confused expression, "W-why?" He asked, "If you're w-worried of someone finding out, I-I am not g-going to tell anyone.."

"It's not that.." I sighed, sitting back and gazing at the knife for a few moments, "It just doesn't feel right.." Toby nodded, "fa-fair enough.." he said, sitting next to me and setting his hatchet on the ground.

"What was this man doing here anyway?" I said to myself, leaning forward to see his face, "We're like.. in the middle of nowhere.." Toby tilted his head at the man and twitched, "Maybe he w-was.. um.." Toby muttered, trying to debunk this situation. I grabbed a stick and poked the the man's face until it was facing me, "He looks kinda.. gross" I said.

His skin was a sickly pale and he had purple splotches all over his face. His hair was matted and had little things in it as well. "Maybe.. h-he is like.. an old and dirty hobo.." Toby muttered with a slight smirk, as of it was funny. I hit Toby with the stick once on the arm, "Don't be a dick-" I said.

"U-um Ow-?" He furrowed his eyebrows and huffed. "Don't act like you didn't just ride in a train car for shits and giggles" I shook my head, chuckling. "A-actually... that was a m-matter of life and d-death" he mumbled, standing up and putting his hatchet in his belt. Toby held a hand out to me, offering to help me up.

"Right..." I said, taking his hand and pulling myself to my feet. Toby shrugged and started to walk off "Well are we just gonna leave this guy here or...?" I asked, motioning towards the limp man. "Yeah?" He said, tilting his head, "He's not d-dead.. so.. not m-my problem!" Toby swiveled back around and started to walk back into the forest.

I let out a quiet suprised laugh and jogged to catch up with him. "How the hell are you not fazed by this..? I mean I get that you are a um.. serial killer.. but still.." I said, putting the knife in my hand away in my pocket. "I've got a-a lot of l-loose screws.." he chuckled, looking around then looking back to me.

I smiled, shaking my head in mild disbelief, "You really are crazy..." I said quietly. "You're j-just now realizing that?" He muttered laugh, twitching a bit. I rolled my eyes, "Well no.. I was just.. saying it out loud.." Toby smirked, "oh I-I see..." he pulled his mouthguard down, taking a deep breath.

"What are you doing?" I asked curiously, occasionally glancing at his scar. "Breathing" he said, grinning slightly. I huffed and crossed my arms, "I'd be concerned if you weren't..." I muttered. "Aww.. you d-do c-care about Lil ol' me.." he giggled, brushing back his mess of brown hair.

"Wha- okay.. well... um shut up" I said defensively, "You know that's not what I meant.." I looked around the forest a bit before shooting a playful glare at him. "Oh really? Hm..." he said also looking around, "Which direction?" He said, gesturing around the forest.

I glanced around, seeing if anything stuck out, but it was all just trees and darkness. "Erm.. you lead now.." I said, putting my hands in my pockets. Toby shrugged and started to walk again. And I made sure to stay close next to him.

Toby's pov:

I could feel Slenderman watching us. Every step. Every breath. Every word. It was stalking us without mercy now. My hands shook with an amount of pressure and anxiety that I haven't felt in a long time. I started to twitch and tic more frequently, but y/n didn't seem bothered, so I didn't say a word about it.

The forest was still dark as obsidian except for a few feet in front of us. The only noise that was made was the quiet steps of our soles on the forest floor. My nose was filled with the scent of wet dirt and pine.

Haywire (Yandere! Ticci Toby 🔥 X Fem! Reader 🪓)Where stories live. Discover now