no one else should have you

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I stood behind the counter waiting for the morning rush of people. Vincent was in the back doing something in the kitchen. I couldn't help but feel a bit off from the night before. The situation kept replaying in my mind as I stared into space. I was trying to think of different ways I could have gotten put of the drama. Even though it was already past, I wished I could go back and change it to it never happened.

"You alright?" Vincent said walking out of the kitchen. I snap out of my daze and look at him feeling a bit embarrassed. "What? Oh yeah.. I'm fine.." look at all of the flavored syrups on the counter. I didn't want to tell him about what happened because I didn't want to make a big deal out of it.

"Are you sure? I mean.. you were kind of.. spacing out a bit.." he let out a small nervous laugh. He dusted his hand son his apron and swooped back his hair. "Yeah no.. I'm good.. just a bit tired.." I say looking around for an excuse to leave the conversation.

A woman walked in with her phone up to her ear. We had busy people come in often, always getting their caffeine rush before work. Or some come on to relax and work on their laptop.

I went up to the register and took the woman's order. She was talking back and fourth between the person on call and me. Making it a difficult challenge to get her to just say the order. She ordered a latte with two extra shots of expresso and caramel. Vincent began to work the expresso machine and I took others orders and cleaned up after the mess they left. Every once in a while someone would order a breakfast sandwich or a pastry that I would get them.

After a few hours, the morning rush was over and we were left with a bunch of dirty dishes and coffee grounds on the floor. I usually was the one to clean since I never made the coffee. I went to the sink in the back and began to clean the dishes. It wasn't that gross of a job, it mostly was just coffee or tea, making the air smell like a mixture of soap and old coffee.

I rinsed the dishes and loaded them into the washer. The next few hours were easy work, only a few people came in and they didn't have too complicated of orders. And during lunch only couple groups would come in to eat and catch up on eachothers lives. Or there would be a group of elderly people meeting up for a cup of black coffee.

When there were no customers I unloaded the dishes and wiped the counters again. The trash was getting full so I tied up the bag and went through the back door of the Cafe. When I got outside to the back I walked over to the dumpster and threw the trash bag inside. I paused, I couldn't help but feel like I was being watched. Like there was a dark looming cloud right behind me.

I spun around and there was nothing. Just the back alley of the Cafe. I glance around for a moment and hurried back inside and locked the door behind me. I knew I was just being paranoid, but alleys never seemed like a good place to be. They were always too dark and anything could happen. I always try to avoid them, even if my life was depended on it.

I walked over to the sink and washed my hands. Feeling the cold water made me feel a bit more awake and alert. Vincent came into the back kitchen, leaning against the counter and crossing his arms. I looked back at him a little confused. "What?" I said turning off the water and shaking my hands dry. "Nothing.." he said looking away with a small smirk, "You just seem a bit.. off is all..".

I looked at him as if I didn't know what he was talking about. "What do you mean? I'm fine". He scratched the back of his neck, "I mean you're acting hella paranoid and you've been zoning out all day, I was just curious..". "I told you I'm just really tired... I.. stayed up really late last night.." I said trying to make the problem vague.

He looked at the clock, it was around 2:30, there was only a few hours left ton the day. "Well if you wanted you can take off the rest of the day. The boss won't be here and I sure as hell am not going to snitch". I look at him confused, "I'm not gonna just leave you here with all the work.. that's not fair to you..". I shook my head, though I would love to leave early I wasn't going to ditch him just because I'm tired.

Haywire (Yandere! Ticci Toby 🔥 X Fem! Reader 🪓)Where stories live. Discover now